Help a CW Noob?
Hey all
I am really enjoying Cold Waters havent played a Subsim since SH3 and just getting my feet wet again with this game. That being said I have some questions. I am more of an airplane nut but love subs but don't understand a few dynamics about them and in the game. One screen I don't understand is the SNS Comp and Own Ship? I seem to keep getting found when running silent very slow along ways away and dont understand how to interpret what this screen is telling me? I am guessing MF Active is their active sonar vs passive is passive? But what do the numbers mean? If they are negative am I silent to them or what? I guess I seem to get out run by the surface ships and if I am going fast to try and stay in baffles get discovered then I go slow and they find me or go fast and get found quicker. Had another question about cavitation if I do it for a split second is it like a bomb going off and dead give away or only if they are close? I try to never do it but am unsure how much of a give away it is. I try to never do it but sometimes to get to a position you need to haul and make some noise. Thanks for any help! |
Jive Turkey & Ramjb did some good videos on this matter: |
Thanks I will watch these!
What is the tube that comes way back to the tail on the Sturgeon class? Random question just never seen anything like that doesn't seem very stealthy. |
To be honest I'm kind of unsure about this myself, but as it clears the screws, I imagine it part of the towed array housing. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable can answer this for you.
It is the towed array fairing. The reel is actually up toward the bow and the fairing guides it along the hull and past the screw.
Cavitation is definitely bad - maybe too much so. If you cavitate they do seem to at least investigate - usually with something annoying like a chopper but it's not the end of the world.
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Hawk777
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Thanks for the help. I am already doing alot better.
When you fire a torpedo is it a dead give away to your position for everyone or is it somewhat quite? Is it best to fire them and leave them passive the whole trip or do you turn them active? I guess I dont understand which conditions are best for each mode? |
If there is a thermal layer, I launch from the opposite side of where the target is.
Thanks. But is there a proper time to use Active Vs Passive torp setting?
Good example is a bearing only snap-shot where you're more worried about scaring away whatever might be down that way so it doesn't shoot you than you are about actually killing it. Torpedoes can be the ultimate persuader when it comes to manipulating your enemy into going where you want. |
Thanks for the help!
Is a torpedo launch that loud? Are torpedos themselves pretty quite on passive? |
I use passive when the ambient noise levels are not very loud and when I have the jump on someone. When the ambient is anything over 95dbs I always use active and if someone forsure has me lit up or if I'm already fired upon and I need to pull a snap shot I always, always use an active weapon. Usually I'll start a mission and program tubes 1 and 3 to active and keep 2 and 4 passive so if I get jumped I'm not scrambling to program my torpedoes. But hey, just my 2 cents, I was a marine, what the hell do I know about torpedoes and subs haha :haha:
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