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aergistal 07-13-10 11:07 AM

[WIP] US Patrol Report Layout
Working on CSS/HTML layouts for patrol logs based on historic sources:

It's a bit bigger than the original for on-screen display and will include a few quirks for correct rendering in both Firefox and Internet Explo<d>er.

The style can be used by any patrol log generator and the resulting document can be viewed locally or online (since it's html). It can also be embedded in custom applications.

When it's done I might have a go at a patrol log generator if people are interested (including maps on demand and a more "literary" approach)

Or I could just make it work with SH4 Report v3.1.0.0beta.

Sailor Steve 07-13-10 11:15 AM

Looks good! :sunny:

aergistal 07-13-10 12:31 PM

I will make a special page that will be able to load a custom, hand-written patrol report posted on subsim and display it on the go using this layout.

Bubblehead1980 07-13-10 12:48 PM

This will be cool, will keep an eye out for when its ready or if you need a tester let me know.Could be fun if we everyone to write this up and post in a thread, then get feedback.:salute:

aergistal 07-14-10 08:27 AM

<<<< This post is for testing purposes only. Please ignore it >>>

Generate report

From: U.S.S. Swordfish
Patrol: Second
Period: from February 23 to April 6, 1943

Testing testing testing.

February 11 to March 16: All good. Testing testing testing. This date spans multiple lines.

March 17: Did not dive this morning. Visibility was excellent and sea calm. Had some difficulty in dodging all of the junks and trawlers to prevent being sighted.

0800; Dived on what we thought was a plane contact. After talking it over, considered contact was very likely a flight of three geese. Stayed submerged while a few junks got out of sight.

1000; Surfaced.

Many lighted sampans sighted during the night.

March 18-20: Date interval within same month.

March 21: Make this post span multiple pages.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae rhoncus nibh. Donec arcu nibh, pulvinar et mollis a, venenatis vitae nisi. Curabitur enim arcu, dictum bibendum ultricies in, ullamcorper vel lacus. Integer sed elit orci, nec vehicula sapien. Pellentesque blandit tempor risus ut pulvinar. In adipiscing malesuada interdum.

Nulla facilisi. Aenean sit amet enim ac urna adipiscing gravida. Aliquam sollicitudin enim eu elit suscipit non dapibus mauris pretium. Aliquam sapien arcu, malesuada vel tincidunt et, tempor sit amet tellus. Aliquam vehicula sapien nec enim ornare euismod. Praesent scelerisque scelerisque adipiscing. Aenean ut ante eget lorem dapibus lobortis. Donec tortor sem, pellentesque nec vestibulum ut, tincidunt id enim. Integer a metus id ligula vulputate scelerisque. Morbi volutpat vulputate pulvinar. Nullam nec leo arcu.

Cras elementum ligula vel nunc fringilla quis mattis ipsum consequat. Vestibulum facilisis tortor eu leo accumsan sed euismod nibh faucibus. Etiam non quam vel purus venenatis blandit. Aliquam faucibus, massa tristique lacinia mattis, turpis enim mattis lorem, a dignissim augue arcu vel arcu.

Proin sodales tempor felis in hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc commodo lectus in dolor laoreet vitae auctor eros porttitor. Ut a felis eget lectus feugiat pharetra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi tincidunt massa egestas mi accumsan non varius quam euismod.

Vivamus pharetra ullamcorper mauris, eget lobortis turpis iaculis a. In dictum quam eget ligula mattis convallis.

[Patrol end]

Nuc 07-14-10 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by aergistal (Post 1443143)
Or I could just make it work with SH4 Report v3.1.0.0beta.

Version 5.1 of SH4 Report and Version 2.0 of the tool box are available here:

aergistal 07-14-10 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nuc (Post 1444118)
Version 5.1 of SH4 Report and Version 2.0 of the tool box are available here:

Thanks for the information! I will look it up if people are interested...

Bubblehead1980 07-14-10 03:52 PM

little confused about where to get the patrol tool

aergistal 07-14-10 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 1444371)
little confused about where to get the patrol tool

Do you mean mine or SH4 Report?

My tool doesn't work with SH4 Report yet. You just point it to one of your patrol log posts on SubSim and it generates a document on the spot.

It's explained here:

The online tool is hosted at:

The weird domain name is what comes with 000webhost free webhosting. They also have 100GB/month traffic included so I don't complain. It will not suck your credit card details (very often :P)

Bubblehead1980 07-14-10 11:57 PM

okay, i thought your patrol report generator was ready, oops.looking forward to it.

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