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Skybird 02-13-19 11:42 AM

More gender brainlessness

Meanwhile in Germany parties' mull to have 50% quota females in leading party positions. On average two thirds of party members are males, which would give quota females of course an overrepresentation, it also is doubtful, according to some law experts, that the constitution would allow this, but these days you have to expect just anything.

I am against this gender ideology garbage, and any gender quota in general. They are sexual discrimination against both men and women, they are an offence to both of them, they discriminate against the competent and capable. And often you can see that they do not really represent the interest and priorities and opinions of an awsome majoirty of women if only one would care to ask them.

Because different to what gender ideologists imply with their stupid campaigning, surprisingly many women have more brains than campaigners expect them to have. :up:

em2nought 02-13-19 11:45 AM

u crank 02-13-19 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2591442)
Meanwhile in Germany parties' mull to have 50% quota females in leading party positions. On average two thirds of party members are males, which would give quota females of course an overrepresentation, it also is doubtful, according to some law experts, that the constitution would allow this, but these days you have to expect just anything.

You Germans are slow in the Gender parity race. Sad to say Canada beat you to it. Back in 2015 our 'feminist Prime Minister' Justin Trudeau picked a gender equal Cabinet. 15 men and 15 women. Out of 184 Liberal MPs elected only 54 were women or roughly one quarter. How many qualified cabinet members didn't make the cut because of this one can only guess. What an idiot.:yep:

Jimbuna 02-14-19 06:54 AM

Forget the equality and go purely on capability.

u crank 02-14-19 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2591589)
Forget the equality and go purely on capability.

Indeed. I have no problem with private companies doing this 'social engineering, it's their dime and their problem. When it comes to tax payer funded decision making the taxpayer deserves the best possible candidate in every position.

Reece 02-14-19 06:28 PM

I'll throw a spanner in the works, what about gays? do the qualify as men or women? :haha:

nikimcbee 02-14-19 09:16 PM

Ore-gone is officially run by women.

Fight the tyranny of the matriarchy!

ikalugin 02-15-19 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Reece (Post 2591738)
I'll throw a spanner in the works, what about gays? do the qualify as men or women? :haha:

Depends on the gender they identify as (as we now know mis-gendering people on the internet is an arrestable offense in some jurisdictions). So they might need a helicopter quota.

nikimcbee 02-15-19 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2591766)
Depends on the gender they identify as (as we now know mis-gendering people on the internet is an arrestable offense in some jurisdictions). So they might need a helicopter quota.

Prepare for the stormtroopers!

Rockstar 02-22-19 10:02 AM

LGBT Sports Group Drops Martina Navratilova Over Objections to Transgender Athletes

And why is that you ask?


Navratilova has expressed alarm about the rush to allow biological men to compete with women in women's sports. "You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women," she tweeted last December. "There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard."

"Letting men compete as women simply if they change their name and take hormones is unfair — no matter how those athletes may throw their weight around."

"A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires," Navratilova wrote.

"It’s insane and it’s cheating," the tennis legend continued. "I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair."

JU_88 02-23-19 04:06 PM

I wouldn't worry too much, the western obsession with intersectionality is already wearing very thin with the masses, in practice it just ends up with different groups eating each other and squabbling over trivialities, it all comes from ill thought out far left ideology that's destined to fail as basically just too awkward and demanding to be workable in the long run.
the pendulum swung that way for while, but its swinging back slowly. Its evident that most people are pretty bored of it.
Media and pop culture outlets that pedal intersectionality + Equal outcome are all failing miserably.
The free market doesn't lie.

Skybird 02-23-19 04:47 PM

In Germany moire and more city offices and auhtorities adapt to gender-correct and gender-neutral raping of language. Sorry, I worry very much - becasue the madness spread faster than cow madness disease. At many universities, or even all? I don'T know, you cannot file papers anymore if you do not follow gender-raping of language. Your paper would be eiother dismissed, or rated with "F". Teaching perosnal also has no choice if they want to keep their job - if they do not get mobbed and literally lynched by the students mob before.

Its being turned into more and more of the law, that all means. - Not worry?

Some weeks ago I wanted to give the Emerson essay "Self-.Reliance" to a girlfriend, as a present. It is available separately, not hjust as part of the Essays-colleciton volumne one, in German. mI have it as such a co9mplete volume, however, but know she would not read all that, so wanted to gift her just this exceprt ediiton. I ordere done, and the trannslation was loiusy and wiothout any prose and soul. I ordered another one - to my sheer horror it was cojmletely turne dinto gender and femoinsutr correct new language, and was an offence to the spirit in which the original was written in. I then went into a book shop, and found two other efditions, whbcih also were rotten, and again one was almost an abuse of the original, and was full of fe,mnist "Neusprch" and gender-correct unpersonalisations of personal nouns. A disgrace,a nd a systemtical rape of cultural heritage in literature. And unfoprtunateky I mist say that this madness aplso spreads. And is beign greeted with enthusiams and rushing-ahead obedience of politicians and officials trying to win voters with this their servility. Many chuldren books get edited as well, get rwriotten to be begnder-co9rrect, also maistream classical literature. Even Brother sGrimm fairy tales they want to give the treatment, and comics like Asterix.

Not worry? The madness spreads. Like a zombie epidemic.

JU_88 02-23-19 06:35 PM

I didn't day don't worry, Just don't worry too much, what we are seeing is a political/cultural trend, political/cultural trends change over time.

Its minority who push this stuff and its a majority who merely go along with it or not. Most people follow the path of least resistance after all.
But the harder its pushed, the louder the revolt. It used to be 'creeping' diluted in with liberalism so was more tolerated.
Now its forced as you say - even in to law. and increasingly more people cannot live up to the standards of PC purity it demands. - Progressives now witch hunt other progressives for ever more minor infractions.

So it gets noticed called out and satirized more. (and don't under estimate the power of satire)
Look at the spread of Progressive/Globalism vs Populist/Nationalism though out the US and Europe at present, You don't need me to tell you which one is growing and which one is in declining. While its close, its pretty clear to see one set of values is losing its grip on culture. (even if it still has it on the current establishment)
In the last 2 decades Progressivsm became the 'preachy establishment of the teacher, the law maker and the politician'. And as long as we have some democracy and free markets, that is a death sentence.

In a democracy, culture determines the establishment, not the other way around. They would have to turn us in to China to make it work the way they want. Not an easy task.

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