CTD's when getting depth charged
Hello I am creator of KSD II Ace edition. I am trying to fix ctd issue which commonly occurs when getting depth charged by warships after some time. But I am struggling to find the cause of it. Perhaps someone could guide me :Kaleun_Wink:
initial questions in the interim....in no particular order....
What do you mean config? 1. It seems that what ships attacks me doesn't matter 2. It doesn't seem I take damage before ctd 4. 1942 October |
and...what ship attacks you may matter if there is a ship/weapon/ammo/date/parent-child ID mismatch somewhere in the background. |
[C:\Games\KSDII_Ace_Edition\MODS] Real Patch 1.4 full Patch 1.4.1 No radio antenna poles English objectives names Convoy radio reports ON Depthcharge_sound_repair Increased underwater clarity Patch 1.4.2 this patch is not released yet. But the ctd issues when depth charges persist in the current version also. |
I would remove one mod at a time, and then go try to get depth-charged, and see what happens. My prime suspect would be the "Depthcharge_sound_repair", but it could well be one of the patches or the main mod itself... if it is the sound repair, check the file length, bit depth and resolution to match or be close to the Stock game's settings. If it is a mono file, at 22.05k and 16-bits in stock, you almost have to have the same type file in a mod. Some of the "effects" sounds cannot be over 5 seconds in length, others cannot be over 15 seconds. The shorter the better to avoid "bandwidth" issues, especially when considering the number of depth charges the game can drop near you. Also, if you have altered the 3D sound channels in the Options, Sound menu, the game can and will crash. I don't know if they have something wrong in their original code, or if Windows doesn't like the old code, or what, but it is best to leave the sound channels as in Stock also. :salute:
The depth charge sound repair mod is a fix for very short depth charge explosion effect. This fixed the issue where depth charge sounds would cut off in the middle of the explosion. The game crashed before activating this mod.
:hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm:
Strange, as I have not noted such, behavior... but then... probably haven't ran into the proper kicker for it to occur, yet... either. :yep: On contemplation of this... occurring... wanna say I believe... KM, is on the possible cause for it propbeanie, given the info on it occurring prior to inclusion of newer... stuff. :hmmm: If, you recall think it was with.... v1.46 of FotRS-U, that there was a.... mismatch of file bits with certain... IJN subs, that were invariably causing all sorts of grief with CTDing... on either torp'ing them, or just the simple act of their spawning near you, if not a bit of both. The... Sen Taki (think I mangled that subs proper name, but... have confidence you should now the 1 I am referring to here... :yep:) was 1 of the culprits in that issue. As I recall, iirc was... 3 in all. This, could well be the case here... just with a different root cause but still... ship related. Namely, in the depth charges... to, even... a case of equip mismatch & a bit of mismatched ship info... maybe. Just.... a WAG, here... I do admit. Hope this... cogitating, of Mine out loud... helps... as always... :shucks: :yep: :up: Gonna go back to lurking... :lurk: :Kaleun_Periskop: :Kaleun_Los: :Kaleun_Salute: M. M. |
The IJN subs in FotRSU did not have a CTD issue, nor was there a bit-depth mis-match. There was an issue if using non-FotRSU torpedo mods though. FotRSU's US_Topedo dat file relies on proper links between its own set of files, and external files such as the Zones.cfg file, as well as other files in the Library folder, such as the Particles.dat file. There was however, improper linking between the sub and the dsd, which caused an electric sound instead of diesel with the Sen Toku, or a diesel instead of electric as in the case of the Ko Hyoteki. There were also some texture issues with a couple. When the subs were subsequently copied out for other mods' use, they did not bring with them the specific files used in FotRSU, and that may have caused issues in other mods. As to what Niume has, he now states:
As you say though, and as KM suggested, any ship / plane / sub vs equipment vs weapon vs ammo mis-match can do you in rather quickly also. An "I" (eye) is not the same as an "l" (el) is not the same as a 1 (one), and they always seem to meet in the game's files... similarly with O (oh) and 0 (zero). Then you can always try the propbeanie trick of dosing-off and doing a face-plant on the keyboard (or whatever happened) and generate a bunch of random characters in the middle of an otherwise "clean" file... :roll: :arrgh!: |
The surface splash sound which appears after depth charge explosion tends to sometimes cut off could this be related?
Even if you haven't found issues with the depth charge explosion sounds themselves yet, a "splash" sounding around the same time-frame would be a suspect also. I would temporarily remove those particular sounds, one at a time, and see what happens. As MM and KM said though, do not neglect the ships, racks, weapons & ammo cfg files. Look into Hebe Vollmaus's mySH3-TooL_v1 Mod-Helper Tool thread and Download, and run that on your install. It is built for SH3, but Hebe did add some SH4 functionality to it. It is a bit 'different' to use, but can be really helpful with the cfg and eqp files for ships & planes. You could also run TDW's SH Validator on the modded game, though that does get a bit involved, with the potential to trash your install if you do not put files back where they were originally. His discussion thread from September of 2011 To use SH Validator on an SH4 German install, you do have to make the German imod activation look like a Pacific install, in other words, rename the Campaign folder to CampaignUS temporarily, then rename the CampaignGE folder to Campaign. Note the files in the CampaignData folder inside of that, and then copy them over into the "root" Campaign folder. If you want to check all of the Sub School files, Single Missions, etc., copy each set of files into the PatrolObjectives folder of the 'new' Campaign (formerly the CampaignGE folder). Then run SH Validator on that game / mod install (do NOT add) the game folder to Windows Registry with TDW's tool though, since this is just temporary). Create a log file when it is finished, but do not close the program window. Scroll down through that bottom window pane where you see the Campaign folder file names, and anytime you see a set of astericks ( ******** ), then that is pointing to an error. You could select and copy each of those, and paste them into the log file you created for future editing work, if desired. Once you are finished checking with TDW's tool, either delete that game install, or be certain that you put EVERYTHING back where it was. Anymore, for me, it is just easier to do that on a copy of the modded game, and then just delete it when finished... Between the two tools, you might find a few other issues that are influencing things in the mod, and might be "stealing bandwidth" that the game is attempting to deal with when you start hammering it with the sounds of depth charge drops, explosions, with ships & airplanes all buzzing around above your submarine, as they try to sink you... |
For some reason the shvalidator does not work for my system. :k_confused:
i believe that the validator is biased towards SH3, so you need to copy SH3.exe into the game folder of SH4.exe where you wish to use it. then run the validator. :Kaleun_Salute: |
For some reason I can't specify my install path. It says registry error
try editing that using a text editor, if you have not tried that already. |
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