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peashooter1 04-22-10 07:42 PM

Cannot install T-34 vs Tiger
Well I finally purchased T-34 vs Tiger from GoGamer. Went to install and no joy. The installation hangs up with the product key, I am positive that the numbers/letters I typed were correct (looked at key under a very powerful magnifier). The only problem could have been with the letter O or number 0 since there one of each in the code, so I tried every possible combination and still no luck. I talked with a game tech at GoGamer and they said that they are having a lot of customers reporting this problem and the likely culprit is the key codes supplied with the games are incorrect. And since the publisher is OOB all they can do is offer an exchange, which is okay except knowing my luck I get another unite with an incorrect key code. So I guess my question is is there a way around this? I'm kind of feeling like I'm on a slippery slope since there is no guarantee that this wont occur again.

Sledgehammer427 04-22-10 10:58 PM

well, it's hard to say if they are all having problems....

The next course of action (depending on where you live)
would be to buy a hard copy from eBay. there's a lot of copies floating around and chances are it's a used copy that the owner just got bored of...
(quick prayer they NEVER find out what ZeeWolf is doing, so our hard-times SUBSIM members have a steady supply of used TvsT copies:D)

peashooter1 04-23-10 09:42 PM

Well according to the tech at GoGamer he confirmed this is a problem they are having with the game they are selling and has caused a fair amount of returns/exchanges to GoGamer. Now I can return the disk and get another new copy according to the GoGamer tech, so buying a used copy off of ebay is not the way I want to go (it could have the same problem, who knows?). I was just wondered if there was a work around so I don't have to wait another week or two until a replacement copy arrives. I'll send this copy back and await my replacement, Thanks to all who read my post and hopefully I'll have better luck with my next copy.

morttheslayer 04-24-10 05:11 PM

Code problems
Hello peashooter sorry to hear you have this problem, I came across this when the game first came out (on a forum somewhere can't remember) and if I remember correctly the numbers aren't well printed and an S can be taken for a 5 and a 1 for a 7 and vice versa.

My copy isn't too bad and I can see the difference with a mag glass but if you can see clearly what they are but the codes not working then GoGamer could be right.
Sympathies if this is so but perhaps the replacement may be OK couldn't they "test it" on a PC first it wouldn't take long to see if can load; if it can't they have done themselves (and their customers) a favour by finding out it doesn't work.
Anyway all the best with it mate
Regards - Mort :damn:

Chucky 04-25-10 05:33 AM

So many people with this problem with the small serial numbers.
I got fed up with it,getting my magnifying glass out every time.
Once you do get the code accepted,go back a page,and then copy and paste the number into notepad or similar for future use,and then just copy it back in whenever you need to re-install (and I have had to many,many times)
Of course this won't help if the number really is incorrect.

frinik 04-27-10 02:03 AM

Mods for Free!
Peashooter1?Are you the same person who was tirading on the Graviteam Steel Fury forum about somebody charging for modding TvsT "

Quote " Something a little O/T here, have you seen the post at tanksim (not RU but the affilate with subsim) some guy is coming out with a major mod add on for TvsT, adding more SP campaigns and missions and more player vehicles but apparently he will be charging for these mods also? I just don't get it here is SFK42 that has more playable units now then TvsT does, SFK42 has a campaign/mission/map/vehicle editor with documentation, TvsT has a editor with no documentation. SFK42's mods are FREE and it looks like TvsT won't be free. I know the Tiger and Panther, King Tiger and later MKIV's (three of the new playable units mentioned in the new TvsT add on) have a lot of appeal, but to have to pay for it when this guy probably isn't the owner of the software rights or probably doesn't even have permission (he never said anything about it in his post) just does not sit right with me. It's no wonder PC simulator developers just keep getting fewer in number every year. Then players raise holy hell when the developers start putting more and more intrusive DRM's or heavy restrictions on modability of a game or don't allow any at all. Graviteams approach is the right way, you guys don't seem to mind the mods or campaign adding as long as the author doesn't charge for it. I have TvsT but I won't be supporting this guys efforts. I'm going to save my hard earned money for SFK43 FRONTROADS (as soon as it get released here in the US) and for that next tank sim Graviteam will release. " unquote?

I guess we won't be seeing you in Zee Wolf membership club?Are you sure your copy is not pirated?:arrgh!:

Chucky 04-27-10 02:25 AM

Why shouldn't ZeeWolf charge for this mod? The guy spent over 12 months learning how to do it.He works very hard on it.Sure,there are modders out there who don't charge for their mods,but I was happy to pay for this one.:salute:

frinik 04-27-10 04:20 AM

Mods for Free!
Exactly my thought too Chucky!

I mean TvsT was orphaned, abandoned by its creators, the distributopr went bellup and the original game is full of flaws and bugs and half finished with even the Multiplayer not working well and moribund.What about people like who forked the equivalent of $ 50 and left holding the bag for a game without support and future.

I love and play Steel Fury and I've got all the mods and I am grateful for the freebies we get from the modders.But the comparison stops there.Steel Fury mission editor is fairly easy to use and I have made over 25 user-made missions easily.By comparison TvsT is unmoddable unless you put in a tremendous amount of work, energy and dedication.ZeeWolf was the only one to really tackle it, improve the game, add new content and solve the bugs and flaws.He doesn't aim to become a millionaire just to be repaid for the 18 months of full-time work he put into it.Anyway nobody is getting ripped off since as a ripple effect the stock game sales are likely to be revived as people need it to buy ZeeWolf's mods.He is not twisting any arms just telling people upfront that it's not free.For the price you get tremendous support and new misisons and mods./improvements.There are no issues of copyrigths as what he is doing is new and of his own creation.

morttheslayer 04-27-10 05:44 AM

Each to his own
Frinic Chucky & Peashooter

I too enjoy free updates, I too pay for new games.
But as far as I am concerned TvsT is now a new game anyway!!!

With many newer games being issued with "on line DRM" requirements (which I think is a rip off etc etc) I am more than happy to pay for stirling personal support from ZW to expand & extend this excellent sim.

If peashooter wants to dip out and just have a marginal game (that could be awsome) - it's his money!

Or actually could have the "wrong coded special DRM issue" :har:
Make it work by the application of another $40.00

Over & Out Mort

PS I've been Mate, Bosun, shore Leave and A-Ganger!! What next!!
Request : Can I be the one with "The Cat-O'-Nine Tails"

:arrgh!: He always says "All Hands Arft Ter Witness Punishment Arr Harrr!! - lets Tek a look at Yer Backbone!!"

frinik 04-27-10 06:15 AM

A Ganger
Well Morty what can I say? You truly deserve your nickname because you Mortify and Slay all at the same time. Be wary you sinners because the A-Ganger-Bosun-Shore leave may yet come to chastise you from his haunted Scottish castle....:stare:

True enough Peashooter is free to chose to buy or not the Kursk add-on but there's no need to berate on a forum almost accusing somebody of property theft and copyrights infringements:nope:. I also had those concerns and I addressed them with ZW through PMs and got answers that satisfied my concerns. I didn't see any need to slander...

Cheers ZW members( at least for the price we pay we don't need a magnifying glass to read the mods passwords:88)...

morttheslayer 04-27-10 12:04 PM

A Ganger Today but Tomorrow?
Yes I got your point Frinic, I was hoping with a little consideration that Peashooter might repent his ways. Perhaps he's young sob:wah: and needs a guiding hand (with the cat o' nine AR HAR) :arrgh!:.

Well he might change his mind when he sees (if he ever gets a working copy!!) how mediocre the stock game is.

Some people are prepared to pay for games like Rise of Flight which is to my mind, buying a game on installments together with major DRM impositions, yet whine like hell if they percieve that an individual might benefit financially form his labours.
Corporate banking greed got us a world recession, we don't need to encourage it in every business and the leisure industry. ZW has put in a massive amount of work and I'm glad we can support him.

Anyway what will tomorrow bring - I may be an A-Ganger or heaven forbid - a Gang-Banger!!!!:har: Never did like crowds though.

PS I thought I'd try and poach a few more FPS - so I upgraded my Nvidea drivers from 178.24 to 196.85 - result exactly the bl**dy same - I love PCs !! :wah:
Over and Out - Mort

frinik 04-28-10 12:13 AM

I love your approach Morty; make a tank simmer out of a thankless sinner!
As for the Gang Banger part I guess you can simply say that you like a lot of sausages with your eggs( or is it only the English who like bangers???).As for I am a wesp.I am afraid to ask and find out what it is???The Gangbang part is more like Lc's reputation with the Soviet female tank personnel:oops:


peashooter1 04-29-10 11:08 AM

Humm, no I'm not the same guy at Graviteams forums but thanks for mentioning Steel Fury. I looked it up and ordered the DD and have been playing it since yesterday, the copy I had of TvT went back to GoGamer today so no it wasn't a pirated copy. Also I'm 49 so I'm not a youngster either, thanks for making me feel welcome here frinik:up:

ZeeWolf 04-29-10 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by peashooter1 (Post 1377315)
Humm, no I'm not the same guy at Graviteams forums but thanks for mentioning Steel Fury. I looked it up and ordered the DD and have been playing it since yesterday, the copy I had of TvT went back to GoGamer today so no it wasn't a pirated copy. Also I'm 49 so I'm not a youngster either, thanks for making me feel welcome here frinik:up:

Hello peashooter1,
What is your OS? Because I've learned if you have Vista or Windows 7 you
need to have administrator rights to install the Project ZeeWolf stuff, so I
was wondering if you need admin rights for the stock install too?

PS: Welcome aboard peashooter1 :up:


morttheslayer 04-29-10 02:19 PM

Hello Peashooter you are young!
Peashooter you are young to me :haha:

Hope you get a good copy of TvsT, didn't mean to castigate you for daring to criticise, however it seems you are not the person Frinic believed you were. :oops: We are all entitled to an opinion anyway, and I hope you like Karkov Steel Fury; I thought it was a very enjoyable game - part sim part (v slightly) arcady but near enough authentic as to be believeable and immersive. Took me a bit of training to get all the views/controls sorted.
All the Best - Mort :salute:
PS I see you're a bilge rat - I always wanted to be a bilge rat

peashooter1 04-29-10 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1377402)
Hello peashooter1,
What is your OS? Because I've learned if you have Vista or Windows 7 you
need to have administrator rights to install the Project ZeeWolf stuff, so I
was wondering if you need admin rights for the stock install too?

PS: Welcome aboard peashooter1 :up:


Greetings ZeeWolf
I'm running Vista, but I'm sure it wasn't an admin problem since I couldn't get past the game key entry, so the install never really started. I kept getting an error message that the code was invalid, no matter what I did in changing look alike numbers and letters. I did not mean to start anything and really was only saying what the tech at GoGamer had told me concerning some units having incorrect game keys. I don't discount it since I had the same problem with Brother in Arms Earned in Blood. I just figured I would ask if there was a workaround to save some time on waiting for an exchange. The guys/gals at GoGamer were real cool about it as they offered me a refund or exchange, I opted for an exchange since I figured whats the odd's of having the same problem twice. I am looking forward for my exchange copy of TvsT to get here and also to your excellent work ZeeWolf.

ZeeWolf 04-29-10 07:49 PM

Thanks peashooter1, I'm sure you'll have better luck with the replacement.

Keeping up with the good work - Cheers! :salute:


peashooter1 04-29-10 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1377517)
Peashooter you are young to me :haha:

Hope you get a good copy of TvsT, didn't mean to castigate you for daring to criticise, however it seems you are not the person Frinic believed you were. :oops: We are all entitled to an opinion anyway, and I hope you like Karkov Steel Fury; I thought it was a very enjoyable game - part sim part (v slightly) arcady but near enough authentic as to be believeable and immersive. Took me a bit of training to get all the views/controls sorted.
All the Best - Mort :salute:
PS I see you're a bilge rat - I always wanted to be a bilge rat

Hi Mort,
No offense was taken. Here I thought my handle was pretty unique, maybe I better change it so as to avoid further confussion. I sent my copy of TvsT back to GoGamer for an exchange and should hopefully have my new copy next week. I'm just getting reaquainted with tank simulators, the last ones I had were Panzer Commander, M1TP2, T-72 and i44 (yes it's been awhile:DL), I have since mostly been playing flight/sub sims. I avoided TvsT since Lighthouse went bankrupt and I figured it was dead in the water as far as support went, especially after reading the early reports on the defunct Lighthouse forums. I only recently found out about what ZeeWolf was doing with TvsT. Somehow Steel Fury slipped right under my nose. I think both games will give me a nice WW2 armour fix since Steel Fury is 1942 tank warfare on the eastern front and TvsT is 1943 onwards, I can see both being on my HD for a long time to come.

frinik 04-30-10 02:35 AM

Peashooter 1 my sincere apology if I castigated you.My intention was not to make you feel unwelcome( even though that's probably how you felt) but after reading those rather unfriendly comments made by your homonym on the Graviteam Steel Fury forum I thought it was a good opportunity to clear the air. That being said, it's rather eerie and unfortunate that you happen to have exactly the same nickname used by the person whose comments I quoted in my post. As ZeeWolf's faithful members we tend to be perhaps a tad overprotective of him at times....

Errare Humanum est and Mea culpa , mea maxima culpa....:cry:

Re Tvst and Steel Fury I also play both and appreciate both for their respective qualities. ZeeWolf has done wonders to TvsT and I sincerely hope - that unlike your homonym - you'll feel inclined to join his membership and and enjoy the tremendous work he has done.Unlike Steel Fury which has a very strong and active community of modders and is still supported by the game creators, TvsT is an orphan that can only count and rely on ZeeWolf's one-man crusade to come back to life and offer new mods missions and models. His efforts are not free but are well worth the money.

The comment about your copy being a pirate was not meant as a cheap shot but I have heard of people with pirated copies of games pretending to have the real thing and trying to lure or coax people on game fora into giving them their codes or passwords playing on their sympathy.

These days unfortunately you've got to be careful.

Best of luck with your GoGamer.:rock:


peashooter1 04-30-10 02:04 PM

Hi Frinik,
No apology needed, it's water under the bridge and I can understand your initial reaction. Considering the state TvsT was released in whatever company is still collecting money of this game should probably be kissing ZeeWolfs arse, if it were not for him I don't think anyone would still be buying TvsT today.
Honestly I was very hesitant to ask about a workaround for my problem at first. But I had read an earlier post here where someone asked for help with what appeared to be the same problem I had. It appeared this person got help, but maybe I just read something into that post that wasn't there. In all honesty I really owe you guys an apology for even asking. I let my impatience of seeing and wanting ZeeWolfs work for TvsT get the better of me, even when I should have know better and just waited for my exchange. Even at almost 50 sometimes I can be more like a 10 year old when it comes to waiting :D

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