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Skybird 08-15-18 03:49 PM

This is so idiotic that it mocks any attempt to describe it

^ Bot translation. original German text here:

No comment. :doh:

Oh, the German government just allowed today the introduction of a third gender class beside "male" and "female": "invariant" or somethign like this. Special interest groups demand and the parties agree that more special gender interest groups should get their fair share of the legality show as well.

And it gets explicitly campaigned for that any medical criterion, genetics for example, shall be explicitly banned and prohibited from being a criterion for defining gender identity of a person. There soon could be over a dozen legal gender categories in Germany. XX and XY chromosomes shall have no meaning anymore. Scine shall have no meaning anymore.

Facebook already has over 60.

Run and try to save yourself. The idiots have broken the seals on their cage doors

and storm onto the streets. I wish they would be zombies only, not idiots. Zombies can be stopped with headshots. Idiots' ideology not.

And I am blackmailed for protection money to finance imbiciles like this a BaföG (financial support for students) that they can waste for endlessly studying Germanistik. Its a shame. I would wish these apes would need to pay for their costs themselves in full.

Bleiente 08-15-18 04:06 PM

Umm... that's really stupid.
Well - free after the "Schildbürger"... we pull the cow on a rope around her neck on the city wall, there grows so juicy grass. :doh:

Und manche denken, ich wäre dumm, dabei bin ich nur "verrückt". :har:

Skybird 08-15-18 04:15 PM

My old gymnasium had a very good reputation and a history reaching back until before the war. I had very good techers, most of them men, men of reason, a scientific mindset, an interest for awaking our interest in science and a reasonable view of things and the world. My teacher in Englisch "Leistungskurs" was an old lady from a family that had migrated to the US, with her being the only one returnign to Germany. We deeply respected and truly loved her, I will never forget her. I had a very good time at school, I consider myself to have been very lucky.

I finished school in 1985. Soon after that, the firtst of many unspeakable "reforms" of the German school system was introduced, and the misery and deep fall began. It continues to go on until today, and promises to not stop until it hits rock bottom.

Today, my old school has no more courses in physics, biology, chemistry after class 8 anymore, and history got replaced with several political mind training affairs that effectively prevent the people from comparing the present events to historic ones and thus form educated political opinions by themselves.

Cry, Germany. Cry. But even that gets unlearned by the young.

Bleiente 08-15-18 04:22 PM

That's wanted - the stupid ones are easy to guide and seduce. :(

This is the "new" fashion...

Skybird 08-15-18 04:25 PM

Yes, I too think it is somewhat intentional. Not on a conscious level intentional, but on an ideological level - but here, intentional indeed.

August 08-15-18 06:41 PM

It would serve them right if they replaced Herren and Damen and with just an X or Y designation.

"Are you an X or a Y?"
"Are you Y positive or Y Negative?"
"Are you a Double X or a Single X?

Let's see these nuts find gender wiggle room in that! :)

Skybird 08-15-18 07:19 PM

Facebook, 2014

The 21 new options for UK users
Female to male trans man
Female to male transgender man
Female to male transsexual man
Gender neutral
Intersex man
Intersex person
Intersex woman
Male to female trans woman
Male to female transgender woman
Male to female transsexual woman
T* man
T* woman
Two* person
Two-spirit person

The list of the 50 previous gender options
Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans Male
Trans Man
Trans Person
Transexual Female
Transexual Male
Transexual Man
Transexual Person
Transexual Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Person

Holy mess, thats 71. My count is behind.

Armistead 08-15-18 07:42 PM

It's everywhere. I can't wait until the day, I , as a general contractor, can walk into the govt bid office to bid on minority projects as a black female just because I ID that way.

Buddahaid 08-15-18 09:01 PM

Well each generation has to have something to rebel against. Eventually it will just boil down to no gender as the list grows heavy enough and falls off the edge of the earth. No really!

August 08-15-18 09:06 PM

X and Y don't lie!

Catfish 08-16-18 02:46 AM

^ but i want to be a pink unicorn. They said to me i can be what i want.


[...] I can't wait until the day, I , as a general contractor, can walk into the govt bid office to bid on minority projects as a black female just because I ID that way.

Skybird 08-16-18 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Armistead (Post 2565179)
It's everywhere. I can't wait until the day, I , as a general contractor, can walk into the govt bid office to bid on minority projects as a black female just because I ID that way.

Just be a pltician and out yourself as gay. You will see that by magic you start to fall the stairs upwards and get pulled by invisible force into the focus of media attention. We have had severla examplesof this in Germany over the past few years. Being gay now is a qualification.

Of course being a (feminist) woman also can qualify you over men.As the original rticle indicates. Many universities run quota regulations now. We have had exmaple like in Vienna where female students got accepted for medicine with significantly lower ratings in tests - because they were girls. Boys with better marks got kept away.

Everybody: go on unlimited life strike, if you can afford it. Generate as little contributions to the common "good" as you can. You owe it to your self esteem not to easily allow getting exploited this way.

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged saw a new retranslation some years ago, and got republished in German under right this title "The Strike". Became a huge success.

Skybird 08-16-18 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2565184)
X and Y don't lie!

But they are irrelevant. Medical arguments and scientific arguments shall not come in the way of ideology.

Some people mistake daily weather for longterm climate. Others mistake gender for preference for this or that sexual practice, or are about separating themselves for being taken as something special, thinking they can ennoble themselves by this special attention craving.

STEED 08-16-18 05:34 AM

Some toilets in the UK now give you three options, male female and gender neutral what ever that load of PC garbage is about. :doh:

They are popping up slowly everywhere.

Coming soon small blue thing from Mars or is that large yellow thingy from deep space. :doh: :doh:

Jimbuna 08-16-18 06:23 AM

I blame it all on the alphabet.

Platapus 08-16-18 05:09 PM

It will be interesting to see these multi gender people in about 20 years. I bet they will settle on one gender and it will probably match the factory equipment. They will find it just easier to conform.... just like we had to after we rebelled about what we were rebelling about.

Skybird 08-16-18 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2565287)
It will be interesting to see these multi gender people in about 20 years. I bet they will settle on one gender and it will probably match the factory equipment. They will find it just easier to conform.... just like we had to after we rebelled about what we were rebelling about.


I just posted this in the German politics thread, but part of that second article I quoted in there, are relevant here, too, so I quote it a second time and into the context of this thread here:


The EU, then, is characterized by three main features: First: The harmonization of the tax- and regulation structure across all member states, so as to reduce economic competition and especially tax-competition between different countries and make all countries equally uncompetitive.

Second: On top of the economic and moral perversity within each country of punishing the productive and subsidizing the unproductive, another layer of international income- and wealth-redistribution is added: of punishing economically better performing countries like Germany and the countries of northern Europe and rewarding economically worse performing countries (mostly of southern Europe) and thus successively rendering the economic performance of all countries equally worse.

And third, of increasing importance especially during the last decade: In order to overcome the rising resistance, in many countries, against the steadily increasing transfer of national sovereignty to Brussels, the EU is on a crusade to erode, and ultimately destroy, all national identities and all social and cultural cohesion. The idea of a nation and of different national and regional identities is ridiculed, and multi-culturalism is hailed instead as an unquestionable “good.” As well, in promoting the award of legal privileges and of “special protection” to everyone, except white, heterosexual men, and especially married family men (who are portrayed as historic ‘oppressors’ owing compensation to everyone else as their historic ‘victims’) – euphemistically called “anti-discrimination” or “affirmative action” policy – the natural social order is systematically undermined. Normality is punished, and abnormity and deviance is rewarded.

I again remind of the comparing book by David Engels which I introduced a couple of months ago: "Le Déclin. La crise de l'Union Européenne et le chute de la République Romaine" (dtsch. Auf dem Weg ins Imperium. Die Krise der Europäischen Union und der Untergang der Römischen Republik).

Its a destructive process that is here to last, and that will not stop. Its a destruction that matches patterns and parrallels from history because people refuse to learn lessons from history, and like stupid cattle they time and again follow the same breed of unscrupulous leaders telling them that shiny and glory will rain down on them from heaven, and the herd of cattle allows them to lead them to the slaughtering house once again. What happens today - has happened before already. (One can really start to raise doubts in the truth of evolution theory).

You cannot endlessly fall back to an imagined Reset-button, and assume that "things will become good again by themselves. Nothing happens just from nothing. Maybe in a Biog Bang, but thats the only exception I can think of.

They create the new man, and he is without own identity, and he is socialist instead.

In other words: he is a drone.

Skybird 08-16-18 06:56 PM

Anyway, just to remind of what this thread originally was about in the main:


At the university one should learn to think. A decision of the student parliament of Humboldt University shows that one can also unlearn thinking there, says Gunnar Schupelius. The student parliament of the Humboldt University has set a new rule. It is called "hard quoting" and means that every debate ends when only men speak up, but no women.
This rule should ensure gender equality, meaning that men in a meeting do not talk more than women.
The quotation of the list of speakers is an old invention of the Greens, which has prevailed in many areas. What is new is the idea of ​​prohibiting men from speaking out when no woman wants to speak anymore.
Is such a prohibition even allowed? Responsible is the Senate Department for Science, which is led by the Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD). They wanted the decision of the student parliament "subject to legal review," said the administration in early June to FDP MP Marcel Luthe, who had asked.
In mid-July, it was then said that the Senate was expecting the President of Humboldt University to declare the decision ineffective. That has not happened yet.
The decision should indeed be invalidated, because it is absurd that men should stop talking if no woman answers.
The decision is further absurd in that it exposes the speakers to which gender they want to be. This is worded as follows: "A female identifying person" should be drawn on the list of speakers in front of the first "male identifying person", unless there is already a "identifying female" person. If there are only three "male identifiers" left on the speech list, the debate will end (...).
The confusion is programmed. If "a female identifying person" is not a woman but a man, she is still considered a woman and is allowed to speak, even though she is not supposed to speak because she is a man.
Universities are there to help you learn to think. You go to university, study there for a few years and come back educated. That is how it is thought. The namesake of the University of Unter den Linden, Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), spoke of the general education as the highest good.
How can this educational mission be linked to the crazy decision of the student parliament? Not at all! He is an expression of ignorance and delusion. He follows radical ideologies.
Firstly, the feminist demands that are pushed to extremes, and secondly, the so-called "gender theory", according to which every human being is to decide for himself whether he is a man or a woman and according to which there are not only two but many sexes.
At the university one should learn to think. Obviously, you also forget it there.
Source linked in post #1.

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