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TDK1044 01-07-09 08:12 AM

I'm running this mod with the latest version of TMO and the German voices mod. It's October 1941. An early morning thunder storm in the Barents Sea and I'm in the process of attacking a large Convoy.

Man, this game is now so full of atmosphere and Drama. :D

dogshu 01-08-09 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by TDK1044
I'm running this mod with the latest version of TMO and the German voices mod. It's October 1941. An early morning thunder storm in the Barents Sea and I'm in the process of attacking a large Convoy.

Man, this game is now so full of atmosphere and Drama. :D

I agree. I know its blasphemy, but I dare say that SH4 w/Uboat missions + Op Monsun is even better than SH3 + GWX.

cgjimeneza 01-08-09 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by dogshu

Originally Posted by TDK1044
I'm running this mod with the latest version of TMO and the German voices mod. It's October 1941. An early morning thunder storm in the Barents Sea and I'm in the process of attacking a large Convoy.

Man, this game is now so full of atmosphere and Drama. :D

I agree. I know its blasphemy, but I dare say that SH4 w/Uboat missions + Op Monsun is even better than SH3 + GWX.

its not blaphemy, its progress. Of the Lurker´s kind.

kudos man

Rene 01-09-09 03:42 PM

BUGREPORT: the XXIII still has the problem with the tube one that it ones and shut again and again. could anyone fix it?

lurker_hlb3 01-09-09 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rene
BUGREPORT: the XXIII still has the problem with the tube one that it ones and shut again and again. could anyone fix it?

Yes it has been fixed it and it will be in the next release

Sledgehammer427 01-09-09 07:41 PM

about the XVIII problem...

its not just the rudder configuration, also, you will find circular vents along the hull, these are not on the XXI. it would be far easier to just deal with the XXI model he provided than with the XVIII.

PS. its not hard to just replace the XVIII rudder with the XXI's in Pack3d

lurker_hlb3 01-09-09 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Indy676
I played just the 27th training flotilla in 10/44 with the XXI boot.
I found some bugs I think. There are no voises to the commands and the range with elektrik engines is far to less. Only 4 houres with 2/3 aheat and 6 knotes. The XXI was capable of doing 5.5 knotes with silent running and for more than 20 houres.
Also I sailed from Gotenhafen to Bergen in Jan 45 without seeing one aircraft.
I read accounts from 1945, and there it was not possible to go through the Sagerrak surfaced in that time. And from Norway I sailed nearly to the Shettlands without detecting one aircraft. And there were no subhuntergroups anywere.
I abandoned that career for now, maybe it will get more realistic in time.
For all the rest, thank you very much lurker. Realy great mod so far.
Greets Indy


There are no voises to the commands
This bug has been corrected for the next version


range with elektrik engines is far to less. Only 4 houres with 2/3 aheat and 6 knotes. The XXI was capable of doing 5.5 knotes with silent running and for more than 20 houres.
There is currently a "stock" bug that effects 'ALL" subs when it comes the underwater range in the .sim file verse what you get in game play. Right now the max range your going to get for "any" sub ( US or German ) is 100km / 55nm before the battery runs out. I've done a lot of testing to confirm this issue and I currently don't have a fix for it.


Also I sailed from Gotenhafen to Bergen in Jan 45 without seeing one aircraft.
I read accounts from 1945, and there it was not possible to go through the Sagerrak surfaced in that time. And from Norway I sailed nearly to the Shettlands without detecting one aircraft. And there were no subhuntergroups anywere.
These issue "will be corrected" in the next version. I just got two new reference books on RN / KM operations in WWII and am current doing a major write of some of the campaign layer

pythos 01-09-09 10:49 PM

Oh yea, I forgot about those vents. Those are part of the cooling system of the walter drive which generated tremendous amounts of heat. It was essential an under water turbo shaft drive just much more explosive. The type XVIII should also have large opening on the lower section of the hull which would be where the water pressure would press against the bags containing the hydrogen peroxide.

dcb 01-13-09 01:33 AM

Two personal opinions, but NO criticism intended
First of all, I must make it clear from the start that this post contains just my personal opinions and implies ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICISM toward Lurker's work. I appreciate very much Lurker's hard work and dedication to modding SH4. Above all, I appreciate the fact that OP Monsun is the only port of SH4 to the Atlantic that can be installed and played at this moment, one year after the release of the original Uboat Mission addon.
Now, here are the two aspects of Ops Monsun v600 which I think could be improved:

1. The choice of implementing the new damage/crew model for uboats, where the player must manually move the crew to the empty slots in the sub.
I feel this brings back the crew micromanagement so criticised by many in SH3. It is by no means realistic for the captain to handpick people and tell them where to go in an emergency situation. If the game engine made the designed crew automatically man their different surfaced and submerged positions, then it would be OK. As this is now, I do not like the idea to move each topside crew by myself to his designated position when surfacing/submerging. Each surface/submerge cycle will have me take some 12 people and move them by hand to their respective places, in the CT and berthing area, then back again to topside watch.

2. The choice to leave enemy and neutral harbors empty of shipping.
I understand Lurker's point of view that a Uboat captain has no reason to go there, but I think this should come from fear of being sunk - as it was in the real life. If the ultimate purpose of this supermod is realism, then I'd rather have it the realistic way. Put ships in ports, while in front of the harbors put whatever countermeasure you might find necessary. Double, triple screening destroyers, minefields, nets and everything, planes patrolling skies 24/7, no matter what. If I can't go harbor busting because they'll hunt me down all the way, this is real, but if I go there and find nothing at all, this ain't.

I repeat, these are just my personal opinions, things I feel would improve the gameplay experience.
Lurker, once again thank you for the new life you are putting into this game:up:

lurker_hlb3 01-13-09 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by dcb
First of all, I must make it clear from the start that this post contains just my personal opinions and implies ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICISM toward Lurker's work. I appreciate very much Lurker's hard work and dedication to modding SH4. Above all, I appreciate the fact that OP Monsun is the only port of SH4 to the Atlantic that can be installed and played at this moment, one year after the release of the original Uboat Mission addon.
Now, here are the two aspects of Ops Monsun v600 which I think could be improved:

1. The choice of implementing the new damage/crew model for uboats, where the player must manually move the crew to the empty slots in the sub.
I feel this brings back the crew micromanagement so criticised by many in SH3. It is by no means realistic for the captain to handpick people and tell them where to go in an emergency situation. If the game engine made the designed crew automatically man their different surfaced and submerged positions, then it would be OK. As this is now, I do not like the idea to move each topside crew by myself to his designated position when surfacing/submerging. Each surface/submerge cycle will have me take some 12 people and move them by hand to their respective places, in the CT and berthing area, then back again to topside watch.

2. The choice to leave enemy and neutral harbors empty of shipping.
I understand Lurker's point of view that a Uboat captain has no reason to go there, but I think this should come from fear of being sunk - as it was in the real life. If the ultimate purpose of this supermod is realism, then I'd rather have it the realistic way. Put ships in ports, while in front of the harbors put whatever countermeasure you might find necessary. Double, triple screening destroyers, minefields, nets and everything, planes patrolling skies 24/7, no matter what. If I can't go harbor busting because they'll hunt me down all the way, this is real, but if I go there and find nothing at all, this ain't.

I repeat, these are just my personal opinions, things I feel would improve the gameplay experience.
Lurker, once again thank you for the new life you are putting into this game:up:

You have a right to have and state your "personal opinions", however the Uboat damage mod and manning of enemy harbors is "AS DESIGNED"

urfisch 01-14-09 10:17 AM

jepp, he does.

but i have the same concerns. empty harbours in enemy areas are not very motivating...for myself i feel like i want to have the choice, if i attack ships in well defended harbours or not. but not the best solution, i think.

any opinion on that?


Fincuan 01-14-09 10:25 AM

Understand this guys: Harbor traffic doesn't just create itself out of nowhere, lurker has to add it. That means hours and hours of work on the subject, which means less time spent on the other parts of OM and longer release times. Each line in the files also means longer loading times, while the gain would be... traffic in areas where submarines didn't historically venture much.

cgjimeneza 01-14-09 01:12 PM

Harbour attacks
no sane submarine commander (be it Uboat or Fleet boat) would attack a Harbour, especially a Uboat commander, the allies would flood the area with assets, surface and air. Given the slow speed of a submarine it would be crazy and suicidal to try it.

Fleet boats later on in the war would maybe have a slight advantage but would have given away their position to many nearby enemy assets.

Its one thing to attack a ship in mid ocean, another to attack maybe 50 to 100 NM from airbases or the like on patrol crafts, trawlers, DE, DD and the like

lurker_hlb3 01-14-09 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by urfisch
jepp, he does.

but i have the same concerns. empty harbours in enemy areas are not very motivating...for myself i feel like i want to have the choice, if i attack ships in well defended harbours or not. but not the best solution, i think.

any opinion on that?


I don't know if you have ever created a mod before but to spend I don't know how many hours on adding hundred and hundreds of ship to harbor that "no one" is going to go into or see is a major waste of my time. 90 percent of this mode was created by me alone and I have been working on it and RSRDC of almost two years now with and average of 4 hour per day, ever day on it so you guys can have something better than a arcade game. The only harbor traffic currently in OM is were you have a 75% or better chance to see something. For the moment I have to manage my time so that projects can get done in a timely manner so you don't have to wait who knows how long for the next version of OM

cgjimeneza 01-15-09 07:41 AM

how about you try it?

Originally Posted by urfisch
jepp, he does.

but i have the same concerns. empty harbours in enemy areas are not very motivating...for myself i feel like i want to have the choice, if i attack ships in well defended harbours or not. but not the best solution, i think.

any opinion on that?


why dont you take a single harbour and add traffic to it, see how its done, then you could ask the guys for a list of places with high posibilities that they would like to visit, how about Colon City in the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal (note, there were Army, Army Air Force and US Navy bases in Panama, both ends prior to 1941, or the Oil refieneries at Curacao (thats easy, tankers and Hugo Chavez wasnt around, the Low Countries (which I think owned Curacao were not so heavy there with military units after 1940)....but the RN had bases all over the Caribbean... so its your choice... maybe a few ports would be a challenge.... but I prefer to cross the Atlantic and attack in focal points of traffic, not go looking for trouble close to bases.

maybe some guy will point to you how to do it.

then you can ask Lurker`s permission to release them based on current Op Monsun databases.... (try the ones when Op Monsun is finally done in a few months, else you might have to reedit the place.)

I dont want to get into a fight, you are interested in this and yes, it could be interesting for the other guys if available, so if you get it done, you might write a doc on how to do it and we could help you out, me I dont understand enough of the databases to try, I know a bit of radio mods since I helped a bit on the news side of the TransAtlantic mod which added to two German language stations with news events, some french songs and some comedy / propaganda.

Te Kaha 01-15-09 08:45 AM

As far as I know, there was only 1 single harbor attack by a German Uboat in WWII, and that was the sinking of the Royal Oak in Scapa Flow - correct me if I am wrong.

Lurker showed that this can be done in OM, and that's realism enough for me.

Let me add a example; in RSRD, there are plenty of ships in harbors. In my last war career, near the end of the war, there was almost no shipping around south of Tokyo Bay - or I just didn't find it...

So I sailed into Yokosuka, to the IJN base - twice. There, I sank a total of 4 CA's, 2 DD's and a Ise BB. Not very realistic either, so now when I play a US career, I restrict myself to not go into any enemy harbor at all.

urfisch 01-16-09 06:41 AM

i have been an hour in the game with OP v600 installed yet...and found the following things, that need to be corrected:

- empty landscape
- nearly no traffic in harbours
- import of sh3 objects (like the locks, kiel ehrenmal, villages, etc.)
- trees look bad and are far to big in comparison to villages
- water looks ugly and is for the eastern see far to blue!

i will see, what i can do about this.

TDK1044 01-16-09 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by urfisch
i have been an hour in the game with OP v600 installed yet...and found the following things, that need to be corrected:

- empty landscape
- nearly no traffic in harbours
- import of sh3 objects (like the locks, kiel ehrenmal, villages, etc.)
- trees look bad and are far to big in comparison to villages
- water looks ugly and is for the eastern see far to blue!

i will see, what i can do about this.

Most, if not all of this list has nothing to do with Operation Monsun? No traffic in the harbors is by design. The rest of your list would be resolved by using individual visual mods.

Operation Monsun is a campaign mod and it deals with the operations of Uboats under the control of the FdU Norway, 11th/13th/14th Flotillas in the Arctic during the period of Sept. 1941 to May 1945.

pythos 01-17-09 03:30 PM

How to add crew to boats.
I am trying some detection tests, and was curious how the Walter boat would do against an elite Black swan.

Problem is there is no crew.

I posted in the first section of this forum with no luck so I was hoping people involved with OM, and it's parts (the type XXIII, and type XXI) could explain how the crew is placed on board for single missions, or just in general, eg: What files populate the boats.

I am hoping to avoid removal of OM to do this test with the XVIII so I was hoping this would be a simple cfg file fix or something like that.

Also Lurker, have you been able to work out why there is no CE in the control rooms of both the XXIII and XXI boats. It is disconcerting not getting orders called out when maneuvering these boats.

lurker_hlb3 01-17-09 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by pythos
I am trying some detection tests, and was curious how the Walter boat would do against an elite Black swan.

Problem is there is no crew.

I posted in the first section of this forum with no luck so I was hoping people involved with OM, and it's parts (the type XXIII, and type XXI) could explain how the crew is placed on board for single missions, or just in general, eg: What files populate the boats.

I am hoping to avoid removal of OM to do this test with the XVIII so I was hoping this would be a simple cfg file fix or something like that.

Also Lurker, have you been able to work out why there is no CE in the control rooms of both the XXIII and XXI boats. It is disconcerting not getting orders called out when maneuvering these boats.

Your going to have to deinstall OM. Putting the crew "back" requires changing a number of files.


Also Lurker, have you been able to work out why there is no CE in the control rooms of both the XXIII and XXI boats. It is disconcerting not getting orders called out when maneuvering these boats
I've corrected this

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