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-   -   I hear there's this new Silent Hunter game... (

Silent Ace 10-20-12 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by The_Pharoah (Post 1921990)
one thing I didn't like about SHO is the fact that its not an open sandbox type game. What I would have done is:

1. set up a specific time period (say 1942/43)
2. have ONE massive environment through linked servers or something (similar to how VATSIM works) which simulates the whole world eg. Atlantic/Med/Pacific
3. have a Ubisoft-controlled world that:
i. schedules convoys everywhere
ii. adjusts based on success of convoys (they're doing this I believe) eg. more sinkings = more escorts, etc.
iii. scheduling military convoys eg. US-UK, battle groups, etc
iv. aircraft
v. recon flights, etc
vi. BdU messages
4. Then give start everyone out in a Type II with the ability to purchase a Type VII for say $20 or Type IX for $35 or something ($10 upgrade from Type VII to Type IX) however they are still able to accumulate points and upgrade (albeit taking a much longer time) through tonnnage scored, length of service, etc.
5. Everyone then is able to operate as a wolfpack or lone wolf as needed with the ability to call for other boats or BdU for replenishment. This gives you the ability to make your own story as a submariner and/or play with friends attacking a convoy.

Now THAT would be awesome. I'm sure SHOL works on the above but not fully from what I understand.

Agree 100% :up:

griff4 10-20-12 11:41 PM

Way to go, Beta test it first

Philipp_Thomsen 11-15-12 12:33 PM

I decided to login back to subsim to see what was going on... maybe some new game.

Tired of playing wow.

So I saw SHO, watched a bunch of videos on youtube.


You know, I thought I'd be angrier, what with the utter fail that SH5 was,
and waiting that maybe the next one would be a bit better...
or maybe I'm just so unbelievably enraged that I have come full circle.

Browser game... for simulator fans... What the hell is the gaming company thinking.
Other than money.

Actually I'm not that impressed... I'm now working for the gaming industry (SGI, Cross Fire, quality control)
And I gotta tell you... if they have to choose between quality or profit, it's profit every time.

I used to get pissed at first... now days I'm just used to. Its a 2-month-long fight over email to fix an in-game typo.

longam 11-15-12 04:23 PM

I here ya man, but at least I never have to upgrade my PC ever again because I don't see using it for gaming much anymore other than what I have.

Steeltrap 11-30-12 07:29 PM

Haven't been here for a while.

Watched Onkel's video. After all these years I now know what he looks like.

Otherwise? I'm amused to see a lot of "What is Ubi thinking?" questions.

Seriously? Ubisoft and rational thought went their separate ways with SH5 being 'constant online'. I said I'd not buy it for that reason and I've not (even when it's in bargain bin).
Anyone expecting anything other than utter arsehattery from Ubi is bound to be disappointed, IMO.

As an aside; WoT? Yes, I've played that extensively. You don't need to spend money up to about tier 8. Beyond that it will take an ABSURD number of games to make sufficient CR to pay for anything. A premium tank is a minimum. I no longer have a premium account, have a premium tier 8 (JT-88), and run several tier 8s and a tier 9.

Hope everyone's well.

Nordmann 12-23-12 03:21 PM

Looks interesting, particularly the strategy elements. Still not sure why they have elected not to have player operated escort vessels, as that would have made the online aspect far more appealing in my opinion.

As for all the usual doom and gloom, well what did you honestly expect? Ubi haven't exactly had much in the way of positive feedback over the past few years, and this came to a real head when SH5 was released (the rage meter was off the scale), so it's amazing that they are prepared to make even a browser based SH game!

shark11 01-12-13 09:40 AM

haha i had a look at that youtube about sh online lol how true it is, playing on line ha, its as back as SH5 crap,
SH over the years are going the wrong way, instend of getting better there getting worst
must be why i keep going back to my old friend SH3 with GWX and a few mods.

shark11 01-12-13 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Steed007 (Post 1888233)
I got a million things to say about sh5 so yea sh6 I not even gonna waste my time trying I wont even bother downloading it as a beta.

I refuse to play it based on the companys previouse attempts and I know its gonna be buggy and far from completed so yea my answer to UBI is NO
I have paid lots of money for games in the past and they just end up crap so I am peed off its always the same far from complete lots of cool grafix and poor game play.

a lost customer my rating for sh6 is 1 out of 10

how true am with you on this

Wolferz 01-29-13 09:30 AM

Zynga Zynga
First impression on learning this news......:k_rofl:

First reaction to what SHO is...:Kaleun_Mad:
What I think they can do with it when finished...:/\\x:

THE_MASK 02-07-13 09:55 PM

0rpheus 02-14-13 12:47 PM


Karl Heinrich 02-18-13 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by 0rpheus (Post 2009743)

"There’s little doubt that Silent Hunter Online is for dedicated sim fans only. It’s painfully niche..."

Hmmm, if this is what PC Gamer thinks then Ubi are possibly somewhat off the mark for their target audience with this. Similarly, it's far from being "niche" enough for most of us. Sorry, just stating the obvious again in case someone had missed it...

Sailor Steve 02-18-13 12:45 PM

Yeah, I saw that too. It's painfully obvious that reviewer doesn't have a clue what sims are about. Also, if it's too much a sim for the casual reviewer, and not enough for the actual simmer, where does that leave it?

Onkel Neal 02-19-13 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by 0rpheus (Post 2009743)

Hmmm. Nice first look and summary. I take it from the reviewer's tone, he found the game interesting and somewhat complex. That bodes well for Subsim players--at least he didn't compare SHO to Farmville. :cool:


Originally Posted by Steeltrap (Post 1968719)
Haven't been here for a while.

Watched Onkel's video. After all these years I now know what he looks like.

Lol, then you must have missed all the Subsim meeting threads ;)

Alexio 03-07-13 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens (Post 2012287)
Hmmm. Nice first look and summary. I take it from the reviewer's tone, he found the game interesting and somewhat complex. That bodes well for Subsim players--at least he didn't compare SHO to Farmville. :cool:

Lol, then you must have missed all the Subsim meeting threads ;)

Flick 03-13-13 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rilder (Post 1877972)
I'm going to go ahead and just side with Jefmajor on his opinion on this. (Be warned language!)

My thoughts:


Oh right, Money.

Because UBISOFT now the name itself in other terms means (there not a hard company) and what does that remind you off? Exaclty they need some substance to get hard and get back into action.

As of now Rilder they have there head up so far up you know where the sun dont shine.:har:

Enough said after playing SH 2, 3, and 4 which was the last
I had enough of Silent Hunter UBIHard oh sorry it's UBSOFT.

Steed007 06-25-13 05:46 AM

Hi guys I don't Normally like ranting well only a little but here we go I see The first post for this Game was in 2012 about feb time now its June 2013 as of Today and this SH online is nowhere to be seen actually online.

In my View this game is like 9 steps back after SH5 I wont be downloading it even if it is free its a complete waste of time.

got say I know sh5 has lush grafix but Still I find myself miss'in the old days of sh2 and stats and people coming together to play Subs vs dd's in a competitive role to show what Captains got what Glory under there Name.
and Sending many a Merchy to Davey Jones Locker by our Wolfpacks :P:rock:

BIg Shout out to the Stat Writers for making the days of past fun :rock::rock:

Jiva 07-05-13 08:49 AM

Steed I also miss the SH/DC days when the play was between real man/woman and keeping the stats. I can't reason why they never made updated version of that SH/DC combination. They where the best and most memorable days of playing. I bet if the SH online had the Dc compnent it would be very successful.


Gryffon300 07-05-13 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by P_Funk (Post 1889745)
Someone probably said the same thing about the quality of SH4 in the discussion of the pending release of SH5.

I want to know where the faith we're supposed to be putting into this forthcoming product is supposed to meterialize from? The experience we've had over the last 3 Silent Hunter products has been a pattern of declining quality. The faith of the sim community has been steadily abused and taken for granted. Publishers have taken talented developers and quashed their creative potential by placing unrealistic development timelines on them, steadily reducing the overall quality of the released product. Past that they've also through this policy of rapid development turnover left us with steadily less and less polished final products becuase of more and more limited patching. The product we buy isn't getting better, and when they make a new one its not getting better either. They sell us a more bitter lemon with every new release.

If you bought apples from a grocer and every time the apples got mushier and tasted more bland and got more bruised, why should you have any faith that the next batch is going to be worth your money?

Now, we're not only seeing yet another hurried develoment title but we're seeing it gutted of its inherent credibility as a sim because of this MMO F2P nonsense. These games are rarely in any sense of the term "Realistic" nor are they particularly cerebral. They also afford the end user absolutely ZERO ability to modify the game whatsoever. On top of that the pricing scale is designed to force us to pay even more money than a flat purchase gives us.

Where in this entire scheme of the ongoing development of the Silent Hunter brand are we supposed to see the light at the end of the tunnel? The only shred of optimism one can pray before in this bitter recounting of my favourite sim's recent history is one of pure delusion and wishful thinking.

This is all about simple deductive reasoning. The entire business strategy of Ubisoft of late has shown itself to be against the better interests of this kind of community. Their strategy is all about money. Myself, as a consumer, my strategy is all about getting for my money the value I seek. I see a diametrically opposed set of intersts at play here. Why do we have to give the people trying to find the fastest way to the bottom our pocket the benefit of the doubt?

Given their recent track record if anything THEY have to prove to us that its worth anything, that is if they still care about us which I don't think they do. They went MMO because they want the cash from mainstream buyers. If thats the case, which it very likely is, then basically the product is now outside the parameters that attracts most of us to the brand in the first place.

There are so many reasons to be skeptical of SHO that I don't know which one to even put on the top of the list.

This is a great piece, but there are some realities that need to be considered. As an only occasional gamer, and rarely online. My wife & kids play Runescape and Minecraft etc, I have been into the Homeworld-based and Descent: Freespace-based games (where modders were given access to the original game codes and so could "skin" it to a Babylon 5-based experience), I want to explore one strong commercial reality that gets buried under the easy and obvious accusation that UBI and others are only interested in 'money'.

Partly due to the Ubiquitous uptake of personal technology (see what I did there? Wasn't that good? Nah, your right. Sorry. Won't do it again.), the MARKET has shifted to one of smorgasbord grazing and nanno-second attention spans Angry Birds today, Virus Boy tomorrow (OMG. I just made that up, relax. You haven't missed the Next Big Thing.)

So, here is what I know about modern media - movies, music and gaming. ALL of these 'industries' have moved to a model where the profitability and return on investment is essentially calculated to be made WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF RELEASE!

The market now buys music one song at a time, and there is a 3 second loyalty factor. Have a look at free-to-air TV. Sport, News and reality shows (cheap and quick to produce). And check the demise of Newspapers and Magazines. Maybe what I am suggesting is a bit of a black-armband view of 'culture', but can I suggest that maybe the reason that quality games are a dying breed is because WE are a dying breed.

Companies everywhere are casting around desperately looking for a way to 'Monetise' us (how I LOATHE that term!). We got used to free stuff on line, including news, but now they discover they can't pay for decent journalists to report or uncover it, so now we live in the world of press-release and propaganda.

So, if you look at the squillions of on-line Apps that are churned out by pimple-faced kids in their mom's basement, some of which become mega-hits and make a bomb for them, no wonder that looks tempting. The problem for the Boards and Committees making decisions on what to fund and how much to invest, no-one can ever tell you exactly WHY one app or movie or game will have that X-factor that takes it on to be massively profitable.

In such a market, especially if you have a short-term view and no longer care about building and protecting a brand, churn something (anything) out and cross your fingers that enough gullible types will pay for a download before the word gets out and, who knows, maybe we will have a hit on our hands for no apparent rational reason?

But, so as not to seem totally negative and cynical, have you noticed that LP records are making a come-back? Sales are growing (whereas CD sales are crashing). In 10 years there will be NO Video stores it will all be online. So, how does a company manage this transition and retain quality and interactivity? What role for the modder in the MMO universe?:hmmm:


Red October1984 07-05-13 10:58 PM

I haven't even bothered to follow the SHO Disaster after the first gameplay video was posted of the German Beta.

Even before that I didn't care.

But....I do have one question. When is the predicted/actual release date? :hmmm: ...or do they even know yet?

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