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stufer 01-31-08 11:25 AM

Hi there

I don't post here often (as you can probably tell) but I do check the boards pretty much daily. I run TM, RSRDC and the latest version of NSM (thanks to all you fantastic modders!:up:).

To Werner and others who are having trouble finding ships in RSRDC, I do sympathise. But, the ships are there - sometimes you just don't find them. I have had a couple of patrols, back to back with not a single contact. Yet other times I have encountered numerous ships and come back to base with vast tonnage scores, earning medals and promotions galore!

If you want to see just how many ships there are in this great mod - hang around in the Java sea on or about the 27th February 1942 (or there abouts I think) :yep:.

I encountered what can only be described as an armarda there. I had no torpedoes left so I just hid away at 200ft. I went to the external view to check out a task force I had detected. Zoomed over to it and saw 4 destroyers. In the distance I could just make out some more ships. went over to them and found a couple of Cruisers and some destroyers. Then from there I could see a weird shimmering in the distance. I zoomed over and as I got there I saw the shapes of well over 100 merchant and transport ships protected by small task forces. I say well over a hundred - I simply couldn't count them. I was amazed :o. I thought about going at it with the deck gun, but I doubt that would have been worth it. Clearly this was the invasion fleet for Java. All of these things are modelled in this mod - realistic task forces, convoys, singletons and doublets plus INVASION FLEETS!!!

Oh yes... the ships are there...

Good hunting to you all.


beartooth91 01-31-08 11:35 AM

....trying to figure out how to weigh in on the lack of targets.
I run 2 different sets of mods: 1 machine has TM-1.7.5 and RSRDC v221. The other pc has RFB for ROW and RSRDC v241. On the RFB/RSRDC set; I did 3 war patrols in Silversides in early to mid 1942. On my 2nd patrol, in the Luzon Straights area, I sank 1 or two ships, then was ordered to head to the west side of the Phillipines south of Manilla. I never made it there because I ran out of torpedos before getting there - ended up sinking 8 ships, my best patrol yet. My 3rd war patrol was to the Aleutians. I've done several patrols up there and have never sighted a ship. On return, I was awarded the USS Balao and am currently on patrol west of Guam. I sank two ships there shortly after arriving. One was a large transport. I was then ordered to the Bismarck Sea area and bobbed up and down dodging aircraft contacts. Then ordered back to the area west of Guam where I chased 2 fast moving warship contacts in fog and rain and never got a shot. Those are my recent experiences. It **seems**, at times, there are a lack of contacts out there. Since I'm a submariner and WW2 sub historian; I'm ok with that from a historical feel standpoint. I just want to make sure there's not a problem with the tracks generating correctly.

Doolittle81 01-31-08 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Vlad
Having some trouble running this. DLed the mod (the stock 1.4 version), installed with JGSME. Only other mods I'm running are Dragon's Vargas Girls and a couple of radio mods. However, every time I start a patrol, it's only a limited amount of time before I get a lock up/crash.

Any advice?

I've experienced something similar ...I do NOT have the radio mods. I never had a CTD with RSRDC (Part 1), nor with my initial forays with RSRDC part 2. (initial December 41 patrol only).
I have recently installed the new ADD-ON for ROW and NSM1.4.
On my New career out of Cavite to IndoChina patrol area, I've had three CTD's while cruising along in TC within the first 36 hours or so of entering patrol area. Nothing going on at the time, no enemy ships, nothing. (One career, first patrol, Saved at a point while patroilling the INDO area....went into TC, then CTD...restarted at an earlier SAVE point...used slightly different Nav/waypoint route...TC'ed...CTD within 20-30 seconds...

Any suggestions from anyone? If/when this happens again, on this or a different career, I'll re-post here.

robin100 01-31-08 02:40 PM

I use SH4 1.4 + TM 1.7.6+ RSRD v221. I've played SH4 for a month or so nad I'm still in 1942, sailing usually in an old good type "S" sub :)
Yes, sometimes the ocean seems to be completely empty, not a single contact during the long patrol days. But it's historically correct for me, there were lots of submarine patrols during WWII with no enemy contact at all.
The rare contats = more excitement when I hear anything in my hydrophone :arrgh!:

I have a different 'problem' (or it may be just RSRD feature). The mission orders are not generated randomly. For example, when I start my campaign in Manila (Dec 6, 1941) I'm always on my first patrol ordered to go first to San Bernardino Strait, next to the Samar area and then to the Luzon Straits... When I start a new career, orders are the same.
Not a big problem, but a little bit irritating, it reminds me scripted SH2 missions..

When I start my campaign in Brisbane (type "S") in early 1942, I'm always ordered to patrol Luzon Straits, which doesn't make much sense to me.
Firsty, it's a pretty far distance for my old sub.
Secondly - which is more important - it's not historically correct, as all the type "S" submarines from Brisbane had their patrol grids in the Solomons, much closer to Australia and where more important combat action was expected than on the way to Luzon...

I wonder whether it's a problem related to my SH4 installation/configuration (I was previously running other mods) or the patrol zones are "hard-coded" in RSRD and they are always the same for a specific submarine type and the patrol beginning date?


Shadow9216 01-31-08 03:59 PM


I have a different 'problem' (or it may be just RSRD feature). The mission orders are not generated randomly. For example, when I start my campaign in Manila (Dec 6, 1941) I'm always on my first patrol ordered to go first to San Bernardino Strait, next to the Samar area and then to the Luzon Straits... When I start a new career, orders are the same.
I too have had this problem- in a Balao out of Pearl in '44, it's Luzon straits, recon Guam, recon Yap...BUT, aside from one or two contacts which always appear at the same area at the same time, I've NEVER encountered the same conditions fact, one career I encountered a TF with a Takao and a Yamato, but I only had one fish left- I gave it to the Takao as a going away present. I started a new career to try to get the pair, but they never showed. A further attempt gave me a large convoy, which was a blast, and a subsequent try netted a convoy with a Taiho in the middle.

I can't quibble with the missions I've encountered so far, as they are contemporaneous with the overall strategy in the central Pacific; it's not unlikely that a sub out of Pearl in spring of '44 would be sent to recon islands which were soon to be invaded. The ever-changing traffic makes it well worth the (seemingly) repetitious missions- my heartfelt appreciation for your efforts in making this mod!:up:

Archie 01-31-08 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Doolittle81

Originally Posted by Captain Vlad
Having some trouble running this. DLed the mod (the stock 1.4 version), installed with JGSME. Only other mods I'm running are Dragon's Vargas Girls and a couple of radio mods. However, every time I start a patrol, it's only a limited amount of time before I get a lock up/crash.

Any advice?

I've experienced something similar ...I do NOT have the radio mods. I never had a CTD with RSRDC (Part 1), nor with my initial forays with RSRDC part 2. (initial December 41 patrol only).
I have recently installed the new ADD-ON for ROW and NSM1.4.
On my New career out of Cavite to IndoChina patrol area, I've had three CTD's while cruising along in TC within the first 36 hours or so of entering patrol area. Nothing going on at the time, no enemy ships, nothing. (One career, first patrol, Saved at a point while patroilling the INDO area....went into TC, then CTD...restarted at an earlier SAVE point...used slightly different Nav/waypoint route...TC'ed...CTD within 20-30 seconds...

Any suggestions from anyone? If/when this happens again, on this or a different career, I'll re-post here.

I had exactly the same problem in exactly the same spot! I would CTD about 200nm out of Cavite in my Sargo apparently with nothing happening, so what I did was cruise out at a very low TC (256 or 512) what happened at that point of the previous CTD was an aircraft contact, so I slowed to TC 1 and sorted the contact (dove away), surfaced, saved and then kept going, no CTD. It appears to be a system issue with Time Compression and contact messages, why out of the Phillipines and seemingly nowhere else I don't know, but it seems to be solved by initially running out at a relatively low TC rate, leaving the 4096 to 6000+ TC for the wide open Pacific :hmm:

One other thing I did do was use Digital Truckers Radio Manager Mod ( to sort out the conflict errors in my radio stations I have installed, as there are known CTD issues with some radio mods that have major problems with events in the events.ini files where the corresponding mp3 files or .ogg files don't exist, so if you run radio station mods, get DT's great Radio Manager, follow his instructions on how to correct the conflicts and hey presto, I have not had one CTD since, and I run TM 1.7.6, ROW, RSRDC, NSM v4.0 and a stack of ship and radio mods together.

Doolittle81 01-31-08 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Archie
I had exactly the same problem in exactly the same spot! I would CTD about 200nm out of Cavite in my Sargo apparently with nothing happening, so what I did was cruise out at a very low TC (256 or 512) what happened at that point of the previous CTD was an aircraft contact, so I slowed to TC 1 and sorted the contact (dove away), surfaced, saved and then kept going, no CTD. It appears to be a system issue with Time Compression and contact messages, why out of the Phillipines and seemingly nowhere else I don't know, but it seems to be solved by initially running out at a relatively low TC rate, leaving the 4096 to 6000+ TC for the wide open Pacific :hmm:

Thanks very much...I'll try that approach.. Good to know that I am not experiencing something totally unique to my MOD sequence or choices.

Digital_Trucker 01-31-08 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Archie
........., leaving the 4096 to 6000+ TC for the wide open Pacific :hmm:

I think I see what the problem is here. If you are travelling even 2 knots at 6000 TC, you are travelling at 12,000 knots. Coming to a screeching stop from that rate is bound to cause a CTD:yep: My computer just restarted when I thought about TC that high:hmm:

Seriously, I'm sure some really strange things are possible at high time compression.

Captain Vlad 01-31-08 10:31 PM

Both the radio and TC issues sound like likely culprits, as I seem to remember getting one of the 'special' messages around the same time I crashed in those instances. I'll try going at lower TC (was running around 2400, I think) and disabling the radio mods and see if that helps.

Captain Vlad 02-01-08 01:40 AM

Disabling the radio mods fixed it. I'll have to try the radio manager soon. Mr. Gildersleeves, I miss you!

lurker_hlb3 02-01-08 04:24 PM

RSRDC Phase III is up


effective now I’m retiring from mod-ing

Donner 02-01-08 04:51 PM

Looking forward to downloading your hard, and much appreciated, work! Once I get over this blasted fever, I'll finally be able to plunge into the entire RSRD experience!

I hope that a break is all you need to cure yourself of the modding blues. You are a valuable asset to SUBSIM.

Take care and see you around campus!! :ping:

castorp345 02-01-08 06:19 PM

many thanks

Schultzy 02-01-08 07:00 PM

Thanks for doing this, i don't think it's an exageration to say you've done for the SH4 Campaign what Dave and ROW did for the game's graphics.

Take a bow sir!


Archie 02-01-08 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Schultzy
Thanks for doing this, i don't think it's an exageration to say you've done for the SH4 Campaign what Dave and ROW did for the game's graphics.

Take a bow sir!


^ x 2! Again, this game would not be worth playing without RSRDC , TM and ROW, I'm sorry to see you step away Lurker, you are a great asset to this community my friend, best of luck in the future! :arrgh!:

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