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asanovic7 05-06-08 08:44 AM

First Things First

Originally Posted by onelifecrisis

Originally Posted by asanovic7

I hear ya. ;)

I see there are questions over compatibility with OLCE2. asanovic, I hope you don't mind if I post here a quote from post #1 of the Ubermod thread, which will hopefully clear things up:


FAQ: If I ignore you and enable them both [OLCE2 and SH4 Effects] anyway?
A: Various particle effects will look too bright and/or be strangely coloured during the night and/or underwater, but no gameplay problems or CTDs will occur on account of the two mods being mixed.

To whoever wants to combine the two mods, I say: beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so just enable them both and see how it looks to you. What I think is "too bright and/or strangely coloured" might look just fine in your opinion, in which case there's no problem.

Not only I don't mind, I am greatly thankfull(right order and choice of words?) and exhilarated and bemused and really appreciative for your aiding to this situation.
:arrgh!: Cheers, Mate!!! :arrgh!:
p.s. are you going to euro? :D I just couldn't resist.. Sorry..


Originally Posted by a6intruder
planes with flares

I heared you and I really want to thank you for sharing the info. First, about your question for the fires, send me pm and I will answer the best I can.
Second, I didn't play flak artillery academy. I made myself a mission from the happy times with stukas overwhelming that poor convoy, they shot plenty so I didn't notice the flares. Maybe a difference with loadouts or id's of the files(instead of rockets??), I will check it today. There are a couple of ways to conduct investigation. Can someone please cruise through the rb's thread for some info on the subject or someone who tailed the thread(it has over 50 pages..)? Next, a6intruder can you make a screenie? I will test it myself today. Somewhere in my mind rings a bell, that Racerboy spoke of this bug only happening in flak artillery academy shootout.. I don't know why..
About the wind I will talk after the post with screnies for the v2.04C release, I hope on this page. I will explain it in so much detail, I hope you will feel you are in school!


Originally Posted by ubergruber

Please, can you share some light on the subject. I know I am an idiot, but please I have some worries and the last thing is for me to worry about stuff like this. Don't torcher me. Or come to Croatia.. :D

I'm sorry about so many posts from me. I just love screenies..

asanovic7 05-06-08 09:11 AM

Version 2.04C pics
This is the main difference:
This pics were taken on original GWX 2.1 scenery..

As you can see clearly, oil smokes don't vanish when fires go out, anymore..
One itch could be those oil fires go out while ship is trying to sink, so maybe time should be adjusted. BUT! Try first and then judge!!!
I promise you will not be dissapointed. Or you will, then kill me..

Myxale 05-06-08 09:33 AM

:o Holy smoke Batman!

asanovic7 05-06-08 09:40 AM

Wind Affecting Smokes

This is how I figured the wind system, if someone knows better please call me a moron and explain correctly.
As you see this coordinate system in space(I know it's Cartesian but I don't know the right word) with x axis that is spreading in the ships direction, y axis is going up and z to the left of the ship(S..T, in the cross of the axis it's coordinates are x,y,z 0,0,0 so when I say spread in some direction it means that x is positive when going from 0 in the direction of the ship's stern and negative when going from the 0 in the direction of the ship's bow) .
Now, in properties of particle generators you have an windaffect number for the particles and wind properties for the whole thing. You can put number from 0-not affected by the wind to whatever(try if you like and know what to do) in windaffected number.
Now, wind properties for PG's consist of local and global x y z offsets. You should put 0, 0.1, 0.2 and so on to 1(don't know about other numbers, but I put 0,5, the smoke almost left the screen) into the xyz offsets. I tested a couple of times and didn't notice difference if you change local or global. The only thing I didn't do is to change them both :rotfl: . But, bear with me..
Now, in this mod y coordinate is affected, that meaning when wind is blowing the smoke will rise further.
So, to make smoke lean one way or the other, you have to change x and z. So, I added 0,1 to x and z in a hope when wind blows the smokes will be affected. And HOORAY, it leaned.. Until, I changed the weather direction from 0 to 180(opposite direction for you in the last thwart :nope: ) and hooray the smoke was leaning in the.. SAME DIRECTION.. :doh:
I don't know about you but I find that ridicoulous.. So, basically everytime you have a wind the smoke will lean in the same direction regardless of that wind's direction. So, I left things the way they are.
On a pic that a6intruder shown on page 3(if I'm not mistaken) from dkruger you can see what will happen ***InMyHumbleOpinion*** when you add the numbers I just talked about.
Why I think adding some other number doesn't affect the thing?
Cause if you figure out the system, when you add 0,1 to x axis, that means the smoke will lean in the direction of the ship.
When you then add 0,1 to z axis, the smoke will then lean to the left of the stern of the ship, if we say ship's direction is due north, the smoke will lean in north, northwestern direction.

Hope I am wrong.

asanovic7 05-06-08 09:42 AM

I couldn't resist 2
And now, huh!!! after all this explanations I'm thinking only about stuff like this one..

BUAHAHAHA... it was not so obscene.... It was a nice screenshot......

what a way.. ;)
for other screenshots you can check out my album on photobucket..
nevertheless sorry..

Ahh.. cold beer..

Ubergruber, I think this mod would be compatible to LRT, no?


Uber Gruber 05-06-08 10:00 AM


Oh, I see what you mean now...I use Longer Repair Times 2.02 (LRT) with GWX 2.1 (with Patch) and OLCs Uber mod. Currently i'm looking at, or will be looking at, ensuring its compatible with LRT.

Catfish 05-06-08 11:06 AM

it is ok with the sounds, even if the fog horns of steamers were of limited use for not inviting unwanted guests. I just think the shrilling whistle is much too loud to hear if you are at the conning tower of a U-boat in the atlantic ;). Only an acoustical err observation :88) lol

A6Intruder 05-06-08 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by asanovic7

This is how I figured the wind system, if someone knows better please call me a moron and explain correctly.
As you see this coordinate system in space(I know it's Cartesian but I don't know the right word) with x axis that is spreading in the ships direction, y axis is going up and z to the left of the ship(S..T, in the cross of the axis it's coordinates are x,y,z 0,0,0 so when I say spread in some direction it means that x is positive when going from 0 in the direction of the ship's stern and negative when going from the 0 in the direction of the ship's bow) .
Now, in properties of particle generators you have an windaffect number for the particles and wind properties for the whole thing. You can put number from 0-not affected by the wind to whatever(try if you like and know what to do) in windaffected number.
Now, wind properties for PG's consist of local and global x y z offsets. You should put 0, 0.1, 0.2 and so on to 1(don't know about other numbers, but I put 0,5, the smoke almost left the screen) into the xyz offsets. I tested a couple of times and didn't notice difference if you change local or global. The only thing I didn't do is to change them both :rotfl: . But, bear with me..
Now, in this mod y coordinate is affected, that meaning when wind is blowing the smoke will rise further.
So, to make smoke lean one way or the other, you have to change x and z. So, I added 0,1 to x and z in a hope when wind blows the smokes will be affected. And HOORAY, it leaned.. Until, I changed the weather direction from 0 to 180(opposite direction for you in the last thwart :nope: ) and hooray the smoke was leaning in the.. SAME DIRECTION.. :doh:
I don't know about you but I find that ridicoulous.. So, basically everytime you have a wind the smoke will lean in the same direction regardless of that wind's direction. So, I left things the way they are.
On a pic that a6intruder shown on page 3(if I'm not mistaken) from dkruger you can see what will happen Cheers!

It is on Side 2 and shows the Bismarck with windaffected smoke.
kind regards.:up:

asanovic7 05-06-08 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by A6Intruder
It is on Side 2 and shows the Bismarck with windaffected smoke.
kind regards.:up:

OK, on page.. AAAH side 2, thanks! I call it page..
Hey I don't know what seems to be problem, I explained that pic from page 2 in my last post?? with coordinates and all??

A6Intruder 05-06-08 11:33 AM
Kind regards

asanovic7 05-06-08 12:04 PM

THanks for the screenie! a6intruder, thanks for intruding..
Can you make what I will do tonight if I make it? Make a mission with exactly those same aeroplanes and some things strong enuf to cut them..
I really think that is connected only with that mission, flak academy. But I really don't know how to think.. :doh:
As racerboy said, the trigger for "lighshow" is in splinter explosion. As splinter explosion is connected only with ship damage status in zones.cfg. Planes have their own splinter explosion effects. G...n I don't know what's a splinter :doh: . ahh now I remember about a splinter in my arse got stuck there during the aero attack off shore of africa.. :arrgh!:
I dunno.. I plan anyway to cut that flare effect down dramatically, but first I have to check on that effect dramatically.. :doh: maybe it's connected to the zones.cfg...
You can figure that for now as people in planes love techno parties and similar gatherings.. :rotfl:

Myxale 05-06-08 02:04 PM

Well I played the Flak training today for hours and I found no flare!
I tested the latest version of this mod and the former one! And still nothing out of the ordinary!

Here a screen! It was playing a shooter! :arrgh!:

A6Intruder 05-06-08 02:50 PM

Same here. No more flares after shoot down a plane. Very nice effects. Now a little bit "wind" and your mod is perfect!!:rock:
Kind regards

danurve 05-06-08 03:02 PM

asanovic7; could you tell me please what mod your using for the officer icons?


Madox58 05-06-08 08:37 PM

Clear your PM's there Mate.

linerkiller 05-07-08 12:25 AM

just a small question...
This mod might work with Schnellboot 1.0 mod? :hmm:
Good work:up:

asanovic7 05-07-08 05:20 AM

- danurve - on page 1 of this thread, read it all about mods I used to shoot those screenies, but I will say it, sukhoi's das boot officers mod

- linerkiller - read the page 1 of this thread, please, but since I love explaining everything, this is an effect mod, effect like explosions, smokes, bubbles, supermans, so it has nothing to do with submarines folder or I wrote about the sea folder on page 1 of this thread ,the sea folder that is in this mod, so the folders that are used for ai schnellboat mod(the one that modifies the schnell boat for ai)

"or if you like sboat mod(the one when you hide in little gulfs and strike from darkness and when you hit your own torpedo with a boat)."
Sorry, just realized there are new sounds, ofcourse, dumb me, and effects for the sboat mod. The one from mikhail. So, no, I think this is not compatible to Mikhails Sboat mod.. Sorry again.. Maybe I'll ask Mikhail to make it compatible with this mod.. Or if someone knows him, maybe suggest it to him. Thanks in advance..

- everybody - all the work I did is I made this mod compatible to GWX 2.1 and the smokes, all other stuff like those big fat explosions are the work of the grand master of the vampires.. no no.. a work of the Racerboy..
again, as I stated in the readme.. "any God or man made mod on this Earth" - this is a quotation from page 1 of this thread
p.s. no, I'm not a worshipper of racerboy, I just told it the way I feel it's funny.. read the darn readme :rotfl:

- page 1 of this thread

- privateer - I thought they would delete themselves when they reach max.. I sent about 70%.. ;(
- a6intruder - please read the wind affect explanation, it is not possible, but I'm trying.. I tried yesterday with some properties from the smoke exhaust mod from Rb, as you know it is affected by the wind.. the problem is that that smoke from exhaust is leaning in one direction and then is treated as a float.. gotta try more to be shure, but I feel it's impossibile.. you are a real intruder, you know ;)

- myxhale - thanks for the screenie, I saw couple of cops just now ;)

- planes on techno parties - so it was an unknown effect, heh?

mengle 05-07-08 09:39 AM

i like the work that you put in that mod, seems like the ships are harder to sink and slower to go under , i like it
Would you do something on longer wakes to , that would be great:up:

asanovic7 05-07-08 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by mengle
i like the work that you put in that mod, seems like the ships are harder to sink and slower to go under , i like it
Would you do something on longer wakes to , that would be great:up:

I think there is a mod for such a thing, ofcourse it is not compatible to this.. I'll check out what can I do..

- everybody..

:rock: Hope we win today :rock:
p.s. I know I live in Zagreb, I love Zagreb, but in soccer I love "bile"

kutterreddogg 05-07-08 11:27 AM

Need a new link
this looks like a great mod, but filefront just does not work for me. Are these files available on another download link? :damn:

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