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Catfish 07-04-17 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2493784)
I don't envisage any military strike against NK unless China gives 'tacit permission' in advance.

However, perhaps one should always expect the unexpected from the current POTUS.

Well Trump initiated the strike against Syriah to take place at the exact time he was visiting Xi in China as a show-off. Maybe he will initiate another strike against North Korea, while visiting Kim? :hmmm:

While eating some north korean chocolate cake with Yong Un "Oh, by the way Kim i just ordered a nucl.."
".. wait what.."

eddie 07-04-17 09:24 AM


Skybird 07-04-17 09:33 AM

Leaving NK the option to send nukes to the US or Europe, is unacceptable and non-negotiable. And if this guy is right, then this missile test maybe must be seen as a signal to go to red alert and become serious about militarily contain NK's options, both conventional (to limit damage to the south), and nuclear (to limit damage to ourselves).

More pointless hope for rationality raining down from heaven all of a sudden, and continuing to waste time with daydreaming, is no option anymore - if that guy ^ is right. If the Koreans have a missile of that range, next comes the miniaturization of a nuclear warhead to equip that missile with - the last step in their ambitions. When they complete that task as well, THEN IT IS TOO LATE - for then they are untouchable. They must be hit before they become untouchable.

I would prefer China to do the dirty job, but that of course is also just daydreaming - by me. Although it would be, last but not least, in their very own interest. The NK regime has to be ended - and before it becomes untouchable.

moose1am 07-04-17 09:34 AM

NK claims that they tested a long range ICBM today that can reach anywhere worldwide!

Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2472797)
According to some American(can't remember his/her name and title)said to some news agency, that USA kept every possibility open.

When he said that(through a Swedish news program) I knew that we very soon will see some kind of military action against NK- On the other hand, I'm very bad to predict coming events

Edit: Have an additional question- How far is NK in they developing their Nukes-I know they have nukes, but can they add these to their short and medium range missiles ?


Now this is scarier to me. I lived thought the Cuban Missile Crisis back in the 1960's and the teachers at my grammar school taught us to hide under our desks. Even back then when I was in the 4th grade I knew it would be all over if we got into a nuclear war with Russia. We had a saying back then if war broke out. Bend over and kiss your A** goodbye. Even little kids know what it means to have a nuclear war. And that was back in the 1960's. The nuclear weapons we have today are 100's times more powerful and would destroy the entire earth in a matter of minutes. You need to remember the dangers or radiation and the dangers of the fall out in the air and water if nuclear bombs were ever exploded in the air in numbers.

moose1am 07-04-17 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Reinhard Hardegen (Post 2479044)


moose1am 07-04-17 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Gargamel (Post 2479237)
Geez guys... I was just wondering if the f-35 was operational yet or not.

LOL After reading the pages about nuclear wars between NK and the US I too was looking for information about the F35 jet fighters too.

Not one mention of the F35 since you posted the Original Post in here. We sent some F35 over to Europe. I think it was to Poland where a squadron of F35's were sent to help protect them from a Russian Invasion of that area. More of a signal to Russia than to stop an invasion.

mapuc 07-04-17 11:25 AM

A preemptive strike is even more far away than it was yesterday

According to some political and military expert I heard on todays Danish news program.

South Korea and Japan are starting to get a second thought about this and are not so "Up-to-it" and as time goes by, not even USA is fan of such a thing a preemptive strike. Not if NK manage to develop ICBM with nukes or multi nukes(forgot the correct words)

(That is if not NK attacks SK, Japan or USA itself, then USA have no other option then initiate an attack on NK).

Do we exactly know what Kim & Co will do when they have reached that goal ? Will he restart the war against SK and USA ? Or will he use this as a very strong playing card in future negotiation ?


Mr Quatro 07-04-17 11:33 AM

We should allow North Korea all of the luxury items they can afford. So many that they get the mentality "we are rich ... we don't want to die anymore" and therefore build in them the desire to survive. :yep:

Jimbuna 07-04-17 12:21 PM


Russia and China have urged North Korea to "freeze" its missile and nuclear programmes after it claimed to have successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile.
I doubt Kim will take any notice.


Both countries also called for a simultaneous suspension of US-South Korea large-scale military exercises.
Surprise surprise.


Calling the launch "unacceptable", Russia and China, which share a land border with North Korea, also urged the US to not deploy the Thaad missile system - which aims to intercept attacks from Pyongyang - in South Korea.
The US response should be identical to the one given by Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe at Bastogne......"NUTS!"

mapuc 07-04-17 03:02 PM

The Politicians in Washington is of course worried. They are also talking about some kind of Embargo against Chines banks who and companies that have connection to North Korea or have made deal with Kim.


Buddahaid 07-04-17 03:08 PM

I'd rather see China annex NK and forget about Taiwan.

Skybird 07-04-17 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2497360)
A preemptive strike is even more far away than it was yesterday

According to some political and military expert I heard on todays Danish news program.

South Korea and Japan are starting to get a second thought about this and are not so "Up-to-it" and as time goes by, not even USA is fan of such a thing a preemptive strike. Not if NK manage to develop ICBM with nukes or multi nukes(forgot the correct words)

(That is if not NK attacks SK, Japan or USA itself, then USA have no other option then initiate an attack on NK).

Do we exactly know what Kim & Co will do when they have reached that goal ? Will he restart the war against SK and USA ? Or will he use this as a very strong playing card in future negotiation ?


Imagine this.

Imagine me to be a mentally insane and totally unscrupulous psychopath who has killed his mother because she said she wanted a brother for me, and who strangled his lover because she looked at another man, and who took an MP and mowed down people in a shopping mall, and then used a sniper rifle to shoot people running away and being out of an MP's range already. And all the the time while I kill, I make a children choire singing "We wish you a merry christmas" while I slurp chocolate pudding between each shot with my sniper rifle, and while I spill gasoline over every choire boy singing a wrong note, and set him ablaze. Imagine me to be totally insane, mad, crazy, nuts, unreliable, unscrupulous.

And then you see me staring at you, and then slowly swinging my rifle at your direction, obviously with the intention to take aim at you.

You have a rifle yourself. WHAT DO YOU DO...?

Do you wait until I have finished my movement and have you in my crosshair and you have a Mexican draw and cannot kill me anymore without having me killing you, too? Do you allow this deadlock to materialise and then trust in me becoming sane and reasonable and trustworthy all of a sudden, so that you can trust my promises and can put your faith in any treaty you want to negotiate with me?

Or do you prefer to shoot me before I could finish to trim my weapon's barrel at you? Do you wait and hesitate in good faith, hoping that you get away with your - well, getting away with your - what...? Gamble? Flipping a coin? Throwing dice?

Kim's reputation is known. He is a psychopathic pig, a blood-dripping monstrosity, a deadly, murderous narcissist and totally unemotional psychopath. He has killed his brother, and other members of his family, He has killed his lover. He supresses his people and had many of them gotten killed as well. And now he wants a nuclear toy to reach America and Europe.

What do you do? Do you allow him to complete his ambition?

Catfish 07-04-17 03:23 PM

^ all true, but so few oil in North Korea. Otherwise we would have probably fought for democracy.
[/cyn mode]

And when i say "we" it makes me angry, because Germany does nothing in that regard, apart from being indirect and sometimes even unwilling helpers of other nation's efforts.

Jimbuna 07-04-17 03:27 PM

That is more or less the dilemma Trump currently faces Sky :yep:

Skybird 07-04-17 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2497424)
^ all true, but so few oil in North Korea.

But 480 million people in europe, 310 million in the US. We have so much more to loose. Not to win, but to loose. Northkorea can bomb and destroy so many cities that are so much more wealthy and rich and precious, than we can destroy in North Korea, and we have so many more lives at risk in our home countries, than there are people in North Korea. We should kill North Korea at no cost to our homecountries and limited costs to Korea, then having to deal with a situation where all what we have and what we are is at stake and we face a North Korea able to deny us our survival.

I do not like it, and I do not celebrate. Not at all. But reality is what it is. We accept it, deal with it, and for doing so we pay a price. We deny it, and we will pay a much, much more costly price. Have we nothing learned from similiar lessons of the the past? That you cannot contain an aggressor by appeasment and allowing him to become stronger and stronger? Especially if he is driven by religious madness, or psychologic madness, megalomania?

Its not about lacking oil, but lacking determination, about indifference, about lousy leadership, about the infantile desire that the good fairy queen will make a visit and solves the mess for us.

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