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APFSDS 02-01-17 01:43 AM

WOw 1997 i was in college in Houston Texas studying hard. happy birthday :subsim:

Aktungbby 02-01-17 01:49 AM

Welcome aboard!

Aries 02-01-17 03:36 AM

I'd been in the US Navy for four years already. Had just completed my second deployment to the 'Persian Gulf' as we called it back then. I was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan and was having the time of my life :). About the only gaming I did on the computer at the time was playing Doom 2 and Tie Fighter on a cruddy little notebook that I'd bought from a friend for $100...


Navelintel 02-01-17 02:28 PM

Happy 20th SubSim & Best Wishes!
For me, 1997 commenced inauspiciously when I suddenly found out that the supervisor I had for the past six years had been dismissed of her duties and rightly so. I always believed management was as much an art as it is a science. And in the case of my ex-supervisor, her skill set was so limited, especially when it came to dealing with people, it began to impact our ability to carrying out our agency’s mission. My next supervisor wasn’t much better which always lead me to believe in the adage that people do seem to rise to the level of their own incompetence!

I then needed something positive to focus my energy, to save my sanity while others in my office feuded, sniped and bucked one another for favorable positions elsewhere in the organization. It was absolute chaos! Part of my mental therapy was to sometimes escape after work to play my first ‘nautically’ themed simulation games, Broderbund’s ‘Wolfpack’ and ‘The Ancient Art of War at Sea’ as a diversion on my Tandy TX which ran on MS DOS, with slots for a 3.5 diskette and 5.25 floppy, 19.6 MB of available storage on the HD, and a ‘dot matrix’ printer with no internet. But I needed something much more physical and substantial. What I really needed a ‘major-league’ stress reliever. And qualifying for the Boston Marathon met all the requisites.

The year before in 1996, the Boston Marathon had just celebrated its 100th anniversary with one of the largest field of competitors ever assembled (36,748 starters;35,868 official finishers), which stood as the record in the history of the sport until 2004 (New York City: 37,257 starters; 36,544 finishers). And ever since I first learned of the Boston Marathon from my earliest days as a schoolboy running cross country and track, I always dreamed of participating in the running world’s version of ’Wimbledon’! The only catch was it is an invitational race and you need to qualify along with some of the best runners in the world (unless you have a sponsor and are running for a charity) for a spot on the starting line in Hopkinton, Massachusetts on Patriot’s Day, which is usually the third Monday in April that commemorates the ride of Paul Revere and William Dawes in 1775. The Boston Marathon was inspired by the revival of the 1896 Olympic event in Greece that was the fabled route from the plains of Marathon to Athens run by Philippides, who told of the Greeks victory over the Persians in 490 B.C. before he collapsed!

On January 12, 1997, I turned 43 and had already run eight marathons (four of which were the New York City Marathon) that included a PR of 3 hours, 6 minutes that I ran in San Diego in 1983, when I was much younger but not as wise as I had trained alone. Boston was always on my radar. This time, I came upon a training group of very talented and gifted athletes. And later that spring, we broke up into smaller training units based on our individual goals. At that time, I needed to run at least a 3 hour and 20-minute marathon to qualify for my age group and gender. So, through the rain, the heat, and humidity of the next few months, we trained and competed like a well-oiled machine, race after race in distances ranging from an 8K to a 10 miler, to a half marathon then finally our individual qualifying races, a full marathon (26 miles, 385 yards for those of you who may not be sport enthusiasts or runners). And I chose the New York City Marathon, not because it was an easy course (it's one of the toughest marathons to run to qualify for Boston due to the five bridges that separate the five boroughs and subsequent hills in Central Park) I chose it because of familiarity; I knew the course like the back of my hand. I wanted to finally conquer the beast on my own terms. Call it unfinished business.

On November 2, 1997, the morning of the race began with a light drizzle then it rained the entire day. Also, there was no ‘chip' timing back then (a 'chip' is a device tied to your shoelaces that triggers an electronic sensor at specific checkpoints along the race course, especially at the start and finish so that everyone has an accurate record of their overall time) which meant I needed to get as close to the starting line as possible before the beginning of the race so I wouldn’t lose valuable time getting stuck behind 30,000 other runners in front of me, preventing a ‘clean’ and precise start. However, I found I always had to ‘pee’ right before most of my races due to nerves so this time when I lined up, I got as close to the starting line as I could, to clearly see the mayor who would start the event. And after all the many hours of effort and miles of training, I wasn’t taking anything for granted. So, I wore a plastic garbage bag holding a large plastic cup underneath, discreetly peeing in the cup as needed then I discarded the plastic garbage bag and carefully placed the cup off to the side when I began my journey. And it worked alike a charm. I was only 20 seconds behind the starting line when the starting cannon went off!

After crossing the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, a span of over 2.5 miles and a height of 693 feet (the tops of the towers were not visible that day due to the low overcast and photographers usually positioned there at the start of the marathon were banned from using the perch that day), at 6.2 miles into race, deep within the borough of Brooklyn, I hit my stride as I was right on pace and it never changed for the next 20 miles!

By mile 17, later in the race, I was in Harlem heading north on 1st Avenue toward the Bronx with the rain beginning to come down ‘sideways’, when I came upon a black man who was cheering us on. He kept on chanting, ‘Let’s give it up for these dudes, cause they’re all meat, no potatoes.’ At this point, I had been nursing a blister on my left foot since my socks were thoroughly soaked which felt like it was the size of Buick! After hearing the cheer repeatedly, I laughed so damn hard I never gave the rain or my foot a second throughout the rest of the race.

As I rounded the corner, coming out of the south end of Central Park onto Central Park South, heading west with a little under a mile to go, it began to thunder as I passed a Japanese percussionist bashing away on a huge ceremonial Taiko drum. I then began to wonder when the ‘fat lady’ would sing as it seemed like more of a ‘Wagnerian Opera’ than a sporting event!

When I hit the finish line near ‘Tavern on the Green’ in Central Park, it was mission complete, I had qualified for Boston by running 3 hours, 18 minutes, 10 seconds! I believe this to this day, the strategy of using the 'plastic garbage bag' ploy was so invaluable, it probably enabled me to conserve the energy needed throughout the race that produced my successful outcome. And it was wise advice due to the fact I had been working with three experienced coaches who were all accomplished athletes themselves, who acted as my attentive mentors. However, the sweetest moment after qualifying for Boston came when I attended my 25th high school reunion later that month, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I bumped into an old classmate who ran with me on the cross country and track team always beating me in our races (and it seemed that he hadn’t laced up a pair of running shoes since we graduated), I couldn’t help myself from letting him know I would be running the Boston Marathon in the spring!

Incidentally, when Patriots Day, April 20th, 1998 finally rolled around, I made it to Boston to compete in the 102nd Boston Marathon, finishing in 3 hours, 13 minutes, 45 seconds. I was 2,306 out of 10,289 men (the top 22 percent) and 2664 out of 20,344 overall (the top 13 percent). Personally, qualifying for the Boston Marathon was an effort never soon to be replicated but an accomplishment I will nonetheless, always treasure!

William Faulkner once wrote, 'Man, will not merely endure, he will prevail . . . he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.'

And so, in observance of both anniversaries (Subsim’s and mine), I offer the following toast to all the captains who are members of this ‘distinguished’ body: :Kaleun_Cheers:

May the wind be always at your back, and the sea gentle on your craft, with the sun ever shining upon you, wherever your voyage may take you in the next 20 years, and beyond!

Best wishes again,

Rich M.
(a.k.a., ‘Navelintel’)

NightFromTheWest12 02-01-17 03:05 PM

Yeah I wasn't born in 1997. The only interesting thing about my life was being able to visit the Whiteman Air force base in my home state and being able to see the stealth bombers, missile silos, etc.

rangingwarr 02-01-17 06:56 PM

I started pre-k in 97 so that was pretty fun I guess.

Aktungbby 02-01-17 07:55 PM

Welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by rangingwarr (Post 2462639)
I started pre-k in 97 so that was pretty fun I guess.


viribus 02-02-17 04:43 AM

1997 it's long time ago. It was last year of highschool. I was playing on PC some strange games like Emperor of the fading sun, Machiaveli the prince and good old The grandest fleet.

congratulations SUBSIM :Kaleun_Cheers:

Hinrich Schwab 02-02-17 12:46 PM

1997 was a relatively good year for me. I was a HELL of a lot younger and and ZERO gray in either my hair or beard. I had been out of the Army for two years and was floating between jobs. I was working primarily as a night dispatcher for a towing company that ingrained within me a unique hatred for telephones that persists to this day.

I was, and still am, an avid gamer and 1997 was a hot year for gaming. It was the year I got my Playstation, along with Final Fantasy VII, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Resident Evil Director's Cut. I still have that Playstation, which still works like a champ:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:, and those games. What I really wanted was a computer, which I really could not afford. My only knowledge of any Subsims at the time was the port of Silent Service on the NES, which I only knew about because it was released under the Konami/Ultra label. I never even gave it a second thought. My interests were elsewhere at the time.

Despite being happy that I was out of the military, I was still pissed at the Clinton Administration for the downsizing and all of the UN crap related to Bosnia, which I missed being deployed on back in '94 simply because my unit was told to stand down at the last minute.

When I wasn't on the Playstation or raging over politics like sophomoric 20-somethings do, I was knee deep in Dungeons and Dragons. 1997 was a pivotal year for D&D because it was the year that TSR was bought out by Wizards of the Coast. I was NOT thrilled by the acquisition and expected the new owner to ass up the game. To be fair, 3rd Edition and 3.5 were great...then 4th came along in the succeeding years. Some of my trepidation from '97 was justified. I am still waiting for those clowns to make a GOOD next-gen D&D computer game. :k_confused:

1997 was a good year. While I had no idea this place existed at the time, having no computer and different interests, I certainly look back on it with some nostalgia...if for no reason than to wish to be a 22-year-old again.:Kaleun_Cheers: Going gray sucks.:wah:

kobiwaldi 02-02-17 01:37 PM

Happy Birthday :subsim:

97... :hmmm:

i think i got my driving license and a at the end of the year i joined the german army for 10 years. a lot has changed since these days. i got married, have a 12 years old son now, changed my job 6 times but playing sub sims has never changed.

curently im still studying for my dreamjob and i hope this site will stay forever :salute:

Red October1984 02-03-17 02:32 PM

Was born in 1997. :Kaleun_Wink:

So I'm as old as Subsim is. I've been a member for, oh...what...5 years-ish now?

It's been the only single forum since the beginning that I have kept coming back to. Other forums come and go but this one feels like home.


filboid42 02-03-17 03:26 PM

It was a very good year
Living in Dallas Texas working at the Dallas Sound Lab.
Worked on the Movie "Titanic" won an Oscar
Woked with "U2" and a bunch of other bands.

Aktungbby 02-03-17 07:07 PM

Welcome aboard!
viribus!:Kaleun_Salute: @ filboid42: U2 too?!!...that shines!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Polak 02-04-17 08:35 AM

Back in 97 I was still in elementary school in Sweden - not the best time period in my life. Me and another kid where the only foreign kids in our class, him being from Chile and me from Poland. Sweden looks way different today...

Onkel Neal 02-04-17 09:31 AM

All righty! Contest is closed, I will sort and assemble the entries and post the next step here. :Kaleun_Salute:

Onkel Neal 02-04-17 10:21 AM

Here are the names of Subsimmers who entered the contest. Check this contest roster, if you feel you are not on the list and you did post a 1997 story either here or on FB Subsim, post a reply and be sure to include the link to the 1997 story post you made.

People who made a post both in this thread and on Subsim FB are allowed.

The winner will be chosen on Monday, after the Dow Jones stock market closes. Beside each name is a three digit number, and the winner for the grand prize will be matched against the last three digits of the Dow close as listed here on WSJ.

If the closing number does not have a match in the contest roster, there is no winner that day and we will roll over to the next day and do it again.

Once a winner is made, the next prize level will be done. So, Monday, grand prize (first place), if a number matches, we go to 2nd place on Tuesday, etc.

Once a winner is announced, he must reply to this thread and PM me with information to receive his prize within 5 days.

I reserve the right to make adjustments as necessary to fix any mistakes or oversights.

good luck!

Subsim 20th Contest Roster

100 --> _Seth_
101 --> 3catcircus
102 --> 44m44m
103 --> Aaron Cecil
104 --> ABBAFAN
105 --> Admiral Halsey
106 --> Admiral8Q
107 --> Ajax6
108 --> Aktungbby
109 --> Akula4745
110 --> Alex N Lissette Aguila
111 --> Allan Jenkins
112 --> AllenZ1Sgt
113 --> aLowSimmer
114 --> Alstack
115 --> Anarchy
116 --> Andrakis
117 --> Andrei Agafonov
118 --> andurilmat
119 --> Angry Viking
120 --> AnimeHair
121 --> Anthony Wood
122 --> Anvar1061
123 --> APFSDS
124 --> Aries
125 --> audiopathik
126 --> AVGWarhawk
127 --> Barrie Parker
128 --> bart
129 --> blkdimnd
130 --> bracer
131 --> Bret Culpepper
132 --> Brian M. Schnell
133 --> bsachems
134 --> bstanko6
135 --> Buddyboy100
136 --> calvindmah
137 --> CapnScurvy
138 --> CaptBones
139 --> Carlos Jimenez
140 --> Castout
141 --> catbloc
142 --> Catfish
143 --> cdrsubron7
144 --> Chad McRae
145 --> Charles Aviles
146 --> Charles DeBault
147 --> charlesb6462
148 --> Chisum
149 --> Chowhound
150 --> Chris Hale
151 --> Chris Maillet
152 --> Chromatix
153 --> Chuck Thornton
154 --> Claudius Stute
155 --> codefool
156 --> Colonel Klink
157 --> Commander Wallace
158 --> connor3213
159 --> corporalspiffy
160 --> cyberangel
161 --> Cy-Fox
162 --> daft
163 --> Dan Dimitrescu
164 --> Daniel Santos
165 --> DaveMM2SS
166 --> David Stevens
167 --> De Ruyter
168 --> DemairPlane Pilot
169 --> digital_pariah
170 --> dodie23
171 --> Doggie
172 --> Dominatus
173 --> donath
174 --> donde
175 --> Dowly
176 --> dy88jr
177 --> Edward Reilly
178 --> Einhanded
179 --> Eric Baumann
180 --> ericlea
181 --> escalaris
182 --> Evans1492
183 --> Factor
184 --> Farinhir
185 --> Fernando De Cicco
186 --> FightingSteel1
187 --> filboid42
188 --> fireftr18
189 --> fitzcarraldo
190 --> Frank Mucci
191 --> Frank Taylor
192 --> frankiekam
193 --> Fubar2Niner
194 --> fumo30
195 --> G97_BoKeRoN
196 --> Gargamel
197 --> gmccabe01
198 --> granger44
199 --> GT182
200 --> Guineo
201 --> Gunthar
202 --> gutted
203 --> HamrHedZ
204 --> harag
205 --> Herman
206 --> Hinrich Schwab
207 --> Hitman
208 --> HW3
209 --> IceMike
210 --> Icewarp
211 --> J0313
212 --> Jack Frost
213 --> Jake Adryanski
214 --> Jason Jara
215 --> Jean Led
216 --> JesterV2
217 --> jimbob
218 --> Jimbuna
219 --> Joe Apostolidis
220 --> Johann Vilthomsen
221 --> John Sealey
222 --> Jon Readman
223 --> Jonathan Beck Jørgensen
224 --> Jonesy
225 --> Josh Valentine
226 --> julimrs
227 --> jwilliams
228 --> Kaye T. Bai
229 --> keltos01
230 --> Ken Henke
231 --> Kixa
232 --> kobiwaldi
233 --> Kota Fox
234 --> Krieg Francis
235 --> Kristensen
236 --> Lane
237 --> Larrywb57
238 --> Leandros
239 --> Les Robertson
240 --> Lewis Wingerter
241 --> Lialah Rose Barrer
242 --> liljoentx
243 --> limkol
244 --> LordCucumber
245 --> Lt commander lare
246 --> Lt. Staumeier
247 --> mapuc
248 --> Marcantilan
249 --> Marcel Lougheed
250 --> mark bonamer
251 --> Mark Renier
252 --> MatijaGeic
253 --> Matt Keyes
254 --> Matt Michaelson
255 --> Matthew Wagner
256 --> Miguel Gordo
257 --> Mike Abberton
258 --> Mischa
259 --> mjhjr
260 --> mookiemookie
261 --> Moz of Oz
262 --> Navelintel
263 --> Navigator857
264 --> NightFromTheWest12
265 --> nikimcbee
266 --> Nippelspanner
267 --> nosferato
268 --> Nufsed
269 --> Nuppie
270 --> Oberon
271 --> OddBallCHMC
272 --> Owen Myers
273 --> Patrick Girard
274 --> Paul-Patrick Schröder
275 --> PhantomLord
276 --> Polak
277 --> Pompiliu-Ion Popescu
278 --> propbeanie
279 --> rangingwarr
280 --> Raptor1
281 --> raymond6751
282 --> rdop
283 --> Red Devil
284 --> Red October1984
285 --> redbranchwarrior
286 --> regicide76
287 --> rHagen12
288 --> Rhodes
289 --> Richard Phillips
290 --> rickidoo
291 --> riddler1506
292 --> Rippersport
293 --> Rockin Robbins
294 --> rtp89
295 --> Ryan Lare
296 --> ryoga_77
297 --> Sailor Steve
298 --> Sapyhr
299 --> Sashbro2
300 --> Savvas Mavridis
301 --> Schöneboom
302 --> Schroeder
303 --> Scott Gregory
304 --> Sidekikd34
305 --> Silverleaf
306 --> Simon Mountford
307 --> skin-nl
308 --> Skipbo
309 --> Skreezilla
310 --> Skybird
311 --> Slammer597
312 --> slyjac
313 --> SmithN23
314 --> Specbass
315 --> STEED
316 --> Steven Sheldon
317 --> SubSimTrooper
318 --> supcapn
319 --> Tac-Addict
320 --> Te Kaha
322 --> Theodor Christensen
323 --> thewison
324 --> Tobar
325 --> Tony McDonald
326 --> Tony Smith
327 --> torpedobait
328 --> traner2
329 --> Tuilalcaron
330 --> Tycho
331 --> u crank
332 --> U-5
333 --> Underbank
334 --> USS Lionfish
335 --> Vannevar
336 --> v-i-c-
337 --> viper1
338 --> viribus
340 --> Westbroek
341 --> White Elf
342 --> winslynn
343 --> Wolfpack345
344 --> xatharas
345 --> Xurf
346 --> zorilya

Wespestachels 02-05-17 12:50 PM

Congratulation to 20th anniversay SubSim! :)
1997 - I was a child on the school... but I dont forget, that the Tamagotchi was a world phenomenon :) :) in this year! :) :)

My PC was weak... just a Prince of Persia I played... no internet, no SubSim...

Congratulation! :Kaleun_Salute:Congratulation! :Kaleun_Salute:Congratulation! :Kaleun_Salute:

Philipp_Thomsen 02-06-17 11:33 AM

1997 huh...

I was 14, my parents had just told me over xmas that they were
getting divorced and that I needed to choose which one I wanted
to move in with, in different cities.

Had my very first crush... girl was perfect, and we hit it off so well.
But I was too shy to say anything, and she started dating another guy.

Was sent away to another city, another school, lost all my friends.
The one close friend I had moved away across the country.

My whole family, which always met every Sunday for a barbacue
over my place and slept over at my place (we had a countryside house
with soccer field, horses, lots of space) for xmas/newyears/holidays
never again met and was completely shattered into different directions
thanks to my parents divorce and both moving away.

Never again had Sunday barbacues and started hating xmas/new years.

But other than that, 1997 was a beautiful year! :haha:

And most people still ask me why I don't believe in marriage.
I did however find my soulmate. They really exist.
When she's not around I just can't function properly.
She's just an extension of myself, a missing piece that I found.
Been together 3 years now, still do everything together (including gaming)
and we laugh 24/7. It's beautiful.

Years later, I found Subsim. That was when I discovered i688 hunter/killer.
Then, Silent Hunter 2. And later SH3, which was the summit of anything
I have ever experienced before and ever came to experience after.
It's still my favorite.

For years I've worked day and night on making mods to share with these
awesome guys that compose what Subsim is for me, a second home.
I still carry in my heart as one of the best periods of my life.
I was here on Subsim day and night, I'd breathe Subsim and SH3 18h a day.

Real life came about and took me away... its unavoidable.
Seems like everything in life is only temporary, and even when you
think you've found a home, it won't last. It's normally for the best anyways.

Thanks to real life and the lack of time, I was forced away from modding,
which in turn forced me away from SH3 and Subsim. I still did check from
time to time to see what was going on, always with that " itch" of coming back.

And every time I planned a comeback, life would take me away again.
Maybe when I get retired? XD

But it was thanks to Subsim that I've learned about modding.
And thanks to modding, I discovered my love for game development.
And thanks to that, I eventually got a job at SmileGate as a videogame producer
in charge of CrossFire, which was for many years the most played game
in the world (still is top 3). Yes the game is crap but the job itself was
awesome. It required creativity, which I have an abundance of.

I moved to Canada when I took that job, and I lived in Canada completely
alone for 5 years, away from family and friends. Got in trouble with the
law and even been to jail for something I haven't done. After 2 years of
court battles managed to prove my innocence and get rid of the fear of being
deported, which kept me awake for months on end.

All-in-all, I don't regret any of it. It was all an awesome life experience,
something I wouldn't ever had experienced if it wasn't for SUBSIM!

Thank you, Subsim, for the huge impact you had in my life!

(But screw 1997)

Onkel Neal 02-06-17 08:14 PM

And the first prize winner is...

242 --> liljoentx :Kaleun_Applaud:

Congratulations! Post a response here and send me a PM with your choice, Xbox1 or PS4 and an address where I can ship it. You have 5 days!

Woot! On to second prize tomorrow! :Kaleun_Salute:

Castout 02-06-17 09:45 PM

Congrats LOL! Peculiar way to draw a winner LOL

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