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Betonov 08-15-15 03:38 PM

We have evidence that the economic crisis was fabricated in Wallachia
von Powzellsky shows a Wallachian dispatch to cells in Berlin

Betonov 08-19-15 02:29 PM
Wien, 1st March 1857

Von Buol saves Austria from the economic crisis

Guided by the Holly wisdom, our prime minister von Buol has prevented the economic crisis, a disease bred in Wallachia that first infected our brothers in Prussia.
In reaction to a stagerring 10% inflation that threatened to destroy our economy, our prime minister has ordered Special Befehl 54. A derelict frigate was loaded with 50 tons of coin and sunk in an undisclosed location. ''Removing large amounts of currency from the circulation is the best way to lower inflation'' was said during a press conference. There was some light unaproval in the private business class, but the general concensus was that a reduction of inflation takes precidence over a rapid growth.
Controversy still surounds whether there really was an involvement by Wallachia. Opposition is sceptical whether the reason behind this accusations are the news that Oil was discovered near Bucharest. Von Buol refused to comment.

Respenus 08-27-15 11:20 AM

Sardinia-Piedmont hit by Economic Crisis

The past few years of careful management have produced record growth and riches for the North Italian economy. However, the crisis that started in Prussia reached the farthest corners of the world and Sardinia-Piedmont could not escape it. With companies bankrupting, a minor bank was forced to close its doors, leading to loss of further capital.

Under severe pressure of the fledgling local industry, PM Cavour was forced to introduce measures to reduce inflation and give an extra boost to private citizens. This has reduced inflation, while bringing taxation to a historical low, threatening long-term public purse stability. When questioned about it after emerging from his drunken parties with the King, his response was "We'll just sell some of that South American gold".

Political and social reforms

In addition to economic reforms, some new political and economic policies were adopted in order to calm down the rising anger of the general population at the loss of their bank savings.

While the general electoral census will remain the same, the King and the PM have promised for the people to be "consulted" in case of constitutional reform in the future. "Being in the homeland of the Roman Empire, it is our solemn duty to uphold the values that made it great" the King said in a public speech. When an onlooker asked him if it was not indeed the Roman Empire that destroyed the democratic traditions of the Romans, Victorio Emmanuel II simply said "No-one likes a smartass!"

After banning child labour several years ago, the Goverment also decided to give schools books from which they could learn. Why they had not done so before, remains a mystery, although your valiant reports has heard that the mountains of booze and bling in from of the royal chambers have grown, not diminished as of late. Hopefully, the new military medals that have been orders will not be refurbished pots and pins from the aforementioned pile.


In order to get improve the economic situation and to reduce the demographic pressures on the country, a new wave of colonialism is under way. With the Horn of Africa under Italian control, the surrounding areas, as well as the currently unstable Libya will see waves of Italian merchants and tradesmen trying to make their fortune and bring riches back to their home country.


The economic crisis was also responsible a minor diplomatic crisis. Columbia, trying to stabilise its economy, has nationalised one of the Sardinian mines in the country. Emmanuel II has sent a personal protest letter, while diplomats have been dispatched to other Latin American countries to show them that Sardinia-Piedmont is an important business partner and that if they wish to attract future investment, they should keep their greedy fingers to themselves or a "reverse-nationalisation" of economic properties will take place through a few well placed cannon shots.

HunterICX 09-24-15 02:47 PM

Confidence grows as crisis is over

Businessmen think it's safe to say that the worst is over and that the only way Prussia's economy will be going is upwards. The Market seems stable enough to spread this confidence to the Prussian people throughout the kingdom.

4. Armee in Königsberg on Alert!

It was made aware that the Russian territory bordering East Prussia has been in turmoil for quite some time but now openly a flag of rebellion has been raised over one of it's provinces and a large group of rebels seems to make an advance towards surrounding provinces starting with Litauen. If they dare to move towards the west the 4. Armee will stop them.

Oberon 09-24-15 03:38 PM

Oh, one rebel, on the other side of the Russian terrible for you...

Meanwhile in Britain:

Schroeder 09-24-15 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 2346906)

Confidence grows as crisis is over

Businessmen think it's safe to say that the worst is over and that the only way Prussia's economy will be going is upwards. The Market seems stable enough to spread this confidence to the Prussian people throughout the kingdom.

And then VW introduced some new software to it's Diesel cars.....:O:


Betonov 09-27-15 04:27 AM
Wien, 23 August 1857

Liberal agitation reaches boiling point

The liberal terrorists that have plagued Europe since the death of the Bonapartist menace have succeded to strike at the Empire with what is considered worse than bombs. They have managed to led astray the population of Westungarn and some other eastern province with fancy words and empty promises. The venom of liberalism is like sweet nectar to the un-educated subjects. The army, now acting as a knife in the hands of a skilled surgeon has been sent into Westungarn to remove the cancer before it infects more of the healthy body of the Habsburg domain.
Officials claim that the factories under strike shall resume normal work by the end of the next month.

Economy is blossoming amidst crisis

As the world reels from the economic crisis orchestrated by Wallachia, the Habsburg Empire, no doubtfully the original target for the Wallach troublemakers, enjoys a rise in the private sector, further encouraged by lower taxes. The wisdom of Von Buol is most certainly one of divine influence.
The riches of the Empire are flowing into Wien, keeping it's status as the jewel of Europe and the culture capital of the World.

Works started on the Tirol line

By the decree of our Holy Emperor Himself, work has begun on the Tirol line. It's first phase will be to connect Klagenfurt and it's mineral riches at the head of the Alps.
The tirol line itself will run along the Alps and connect with the Lombard line in Milano thus increasing the reaction time of our armies should a crisis arrise in the west.

Betonov 09-27-15 06:23 AM

I'll never understang why there's cotton in Krain in every paradox game.
I live there and in ym whole life I haven't seen one cotton plant, less alone a field

Betonov 11-09-15 06:43 AM

Great, half of Austria is now on strike :/\\!!

Betonov 11-24-15 02:33 PM
Mein Kaiser, there is some strange black liquid to be found in Galizia

Oberon 11-26-15 06:48 AM

Oberon 11-28-15 08:45 AM

Princess Victoria to marry Prussian Frederick III

Princess Victoria of Great Britain is set to marry Prussian royalty Prince Frederick. The Home Office announced that they were happy for the couple and were sure that this union would not produce a physically disabled gentleman with imperial ambitions that would help create a war that would plunge Europe into chaos and despair twice.

Oberon 12-10-15 12:52 PM

HunterICX 01-28-16 01:34 PM

Karl Anton Joachim Zephyrinus Friedrich Meinrad Fürst von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen sporting a very German Moustache takes of as Prime Minister of Prussia replacing Otto Theodor von Manteuffel.

Respenus 02-16-16 06:14 PM


Following Austrian attempts at fabricating a Casus Belli against the small and fledgling European nation of Piedmont-Sardinia, tensions escalated in Northern Italy.

The immediate response from the P-S government to Austrian provocation was for the Prime Minister to agitate for independence in Lombardy and Venice and called for all true-blooded Italians to join the cause of liberty and unification.

Following such statements, the Austrian government decided to send a second army to guard Venice, which in response has provoked troop movements in other major European nations.

In order to ensure that reason prevails among all actors involved, Italy has dispatched diplomats to Austria, Prussia and France in order to explain its position and to call for calm. The King of P-S, Vittorio Victorio Emmanuel II, has travelled to Vienna in order to assure the Austrians that P-S has no interest in stirring up troubles in their lands and that Cavour had a stern talking to in order to discourage him from making similar statements in the future. We do not yet know how the meeting went, but we are certain that he was well received with his gifts of finest Italian luxury products.

It is this reporters hope that the Italian nationalists in Lombardy and Venice will not take up the PM's words and attempt to rise up in arms against their benevolent Austrian masters in the future.

Oberon 02-16-16 09:22 PM

"I think it's somewhere in Southern America."

HunterICX 02-17-16 05:30 AM

Italian Agent provocateurs in Lombardy causing unrest, Sardinia Piedmont remains silent.

The Prussian governement has reason to believe after reports came in that agents have been send by the governement of Sardinia-Piedmont into Lombardy to rally the people to take up arms against the legitimate Austrian rule. Attemps have been made by the leaders of Austria to have Sardinia-Piedmont clarify their reason behind it and as they've remained silent it's clear that they're out to cause a conflict which would lead to war between these two Nations.

We'd hope that Sardinia-Piedmont will seize these acts of provocation and opens up a diplomatic dialogue with the Austrians so peace can be safeguarded in Europe.

Betonov 02-17-16 11:14 AM

I has come to mine and the Emperors attention, that an increased nationalistic agitation spreading trough Lombardie may be either directly caused by Sardinia-Piedmont, or indirectly influencing nationalists with their dangerous ideas of unification.
Whatever the reason, it is clear that Sardinia-Piedmont is the main culprit and we cannot allow state sponsored agitation to tear the Empire apart or in anyway hamper the continuing rise in prosperity.
As the Empire has risen above the dark past of the middle ages, we will give diplomacy a chance. The Emperor will receive His Excelency king Vittorio Emanuel II to discuss the issue and I will receive the honored delegation from Prussia, no doubt to show they stand with us.
The beast of nationalism has spawned the Bonapartist menace a generation ago, we cannot allow another large scale European war. But we will not hesitate to stomp out the ember before it becomes a fire. Even if it means going to war.
Gott erhalte unser Kaiser

Ausenminister Karl Ferdinand von Buol

Raptor1 02-17-16 12:47 PM

Emperor Comments on Austrian-Italian Crisis

The Emperor Napoléon gave a speech in front of the Parliament today regarding tensions between the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont and the Austrian Empire. In his speech, the Emperor urged both parties to seek a peaceful solution to the dispute before it triggers an unnecessary war. Delegations have been dispatched to Vienna and Turin to make the French government's position on this matter clear. The Emperor added, however, that though France is overwhelmingly in support of a peaceful solution, the people of France could not stand idly by should the sovereignty of their Italian brothers be threatened by "unprovoked Habsburg aggression".

Oberon 02-17-16 02:10 PM

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