View Full Version : How about some subs?

08-30-06, 10:13 PM
As part of the wish list for SHIV, how about adding Japanese subs to the mix? Nothing like leaving port and having to worry about getting torpedoed on your way to your patrol area, as in the book Run Silent, Run Deep.

08-30-06, 10:44 PM
The developers already said they wont be making japanese subs :down:

08-31-06, 10:27 AM
That really makes me sad, the Japanese Navy had some pretty sweet looking subs in my opinion. And Run Silent, Run Deep is still one of my favorite books by far.

08-31-06, 10:54 AM
The developers already said they wont be making japanese subs :down:
Where did you see this? I've only read that there won't be player controllable Japanese subs.

08-31-06, 04:26 PM


taken from http://www.subsim.com/ssr/sh4/sh4_interview1.php

Subsim: Will Japanese subs be included?
SH4 Dev Team: With the current time for development we are not able to model Japanese subs, so we are very sorry to announce that this feature will not be available in the game.


so i think, that's a conclusive no-go on the jap subs - as the topic starter was inferring!


09-01-06, 08:56 AM
Yeah, that does seem rather cut and dried. Thanks.

09-01-06, 09:14 AM
I still take that to mean player controlled. Modelling the exterior... they could ask kids on the forums to make it and have 100 excellent examples in under a week and we all know that.. modelling inside takes much much more effort. If modelling is the hold up, I take that to mean interiors.

09-01-06, 09:35 AM
what ever they include i hope to heck and back they write decent AI routines for it....sod the endless and by now obligatory graphical enhancements ..write the gawd damn AI enhancements.....there's now flaming excuse for half assed AI in a game these days...

they COULD -if they wanted to- include AI Jap subs and write up a very specific set of AI instructions which would make sure that if the player encountered one..he would have a good hour or so decent gameplay avoiding killing or other wise engaging with the enemy sub..
it's about time some proper effort and time was spent on what is essentailly the heart of ANY single player campaign..the AI

have the jap sub change depth dive surface engage with torps call in air support make evasive maneuvers...and even learn from the players actions..(nowt new about that).....

i'm sick of the generic "beat the game" asteroids space invaders pac-man level AI most developers shovel in to their game worlds..
lets have a genuine AI "commander" let it manage it's resources ships subs aircraft merchant fleets etc etc..let it try to survive ..let it send more escorts and air cover to convoy routes the player hits the most often...let it make tactical decisions...
let it be some sort of genuine opposition instead of an on off switch/ attack or not attack ---
the re-occuring problem with SH2 and 3 is that after a while the AI becomes so predictable and so ordinary that it reduces the game to a very simplistic constantly repeating cycle...no amount of graphical enhancements can over come..

the AI is the game....without the AI all you have is a pretty screensaver...and you can get those anywhere

and if you can't do much with the AI (a likely story) then at least do it to the sensors....

the AOTD escorts worked well because IMO of their randomised and rotating active sensor cone ---making life unpredictable..and dare i say it adding in the element of sheer good or bad luck...and that can go a LONG LONG way to make up the short comings of half assed AI behaviour..that randmonised and dangerous flicking "tongue" of active sonar created many more interesting scenarios than the solid un wavering sensor cones of SH3 for example..and allowed for some genuine good and bad luck to enter the gameplay..and that create far more interest long term than AI that is either a solid unpassable brick wall of death or a weak by passable wet blanket....lets have both at the same time lol from the same destroyer no less..

or hell give it editable search patterns ala the player search patterns you can assign the SH3 navigator to perform..
( they are editable via smal l"mission" files in SH3) give us the same for the enemy AI search patterns and we can write our own AI behaviour... would make a change no? can't be that difficult and would make this game fairly unique!

09-01-06, 09:57 AM
Pacific Aces has AI Jap subs and it really adds to the sim. "Torpedo in the water, sir!" :)

09-01-06, 10:17 AM
yes i agree:yep:
i would like to say any sort of advanced AI routine ..just anything doesn't matter...
give each AI enemy it's own "stats" similar to an RPG character..have those stats change as a result of an encounter with the player...instead of the usual generic crew rating nonsense..if you encounter an escort or enemy sub that has been in combat before against you or against other freindly AI units then it's various capabilities will have improved...anything at all that takes the AI out of the ordinary ...geunine rotating sensor cones would do the trick if no attention is intended for the AI....(after all the graphics are the most important thing...:damn: must sell those new graphics cards being produced...how else to do it without producing new game that wont run on the older stuff he he...cynical but partialy true no doubt)

so please do something with the Ai and or the sensors...apply a little bit of thought to how the game will play once the graphical novelty has worn off...surely AI sensor packages cannot be more expensive to develop than graphical enhancements...AOTD came up with a satisfying AI and sensor package and that came on floppy discs...no 5 GB DVD needed at all..so some where some one is pluiing a fast one...IMO
and yup jap subs please...playable if possible --the huge variety of subs would make life immensly interesting a variable...me i'd prefer a Jap campaign but that's not the way the world works i know..