View Full Version : New Sub Command mission, "Executive Order 12938"

Bill Nichols
02-26-06, 05:54 PM
For Sub Command (w/SCX), Executive Order 12938 (by Steve Mercer). A SPECOP in North Korean waters, this mission makes extensive use of custom sound files and is a whopping 10 MByte download!



02-27-06, 12:06 PM

Do you even have a link anywhere on your site to the SC scenario page? I just happened to know that the link is "/missions" as opposed to "/dwmissions", but I could not find a Web link for it on your site.


Bill Nichols
02-27-06, 12:59 PM
Yes, it is a button on the left.


02-27-06, 01:12 PM

This is how it looks to me in Opera 8.52 and IE 6.029.

I don't know why. Let me go check on my laptop.



02-27-06, 01:14 PM
Same on my laptop ...

Let me try a few more things.

02-27-06, 01:19 PM

The problem is Zone Alarm Professional (software firewall). Turning on the block banner ad option seems to do that. However, even as you see, there is probably still something missing.


02-28-06, 10:00 PM

Did you just fix something about your site?

I notice that those additional links are finally appearing.

Bill Nichols
03-01-06, 07:46 AM
I haven't done anything on my site. The mystery appears to be on your end :88)

03-05-07, 08:04 PM

i have recently downloaded this mission from subguru's website. So far i really enjoyed playing this "new" mission. Especially the new sound files are very cool and bring a lot more athmosphere to Sub Command. Unfortunately i have been faced with an unsolveable problem::damn:
One of the Mission's objectives is to photograph a north corean sub base with either periscope and the "high frequency mine hunting sonar". The last thing should happen in a deep of 90 feet. How should i do this? The only high frequency sonar, i know, is the HF Sonar, which i can switch on in the controll room (688i Interface). But how can i "photograph" the base with it? The only thing- i remember, is to mark contacts,so that they will be appear on the Navscreen.

03-10-07, 05:05 PM
Any chance this could be adapted for DW?

Bill Nichols
03-18-07, 08:50 AM
Any chance this could be adapted for DW?

This mission uses a lot of SCX-unique ships & subs. Substitutes could be used, but then many of the .wav files would need to be re-created. For example, if a Kilo was substituted for the Tango in the mission, the wav file that plays, "The submarine has been classified as a Tango." wouldn't be correct anymore.