View Full Version : Article on converting Revell type VII to dynamic dive...

01-06-06, 08:38 PM
In January 2006 Model Boats (UK mag) there's an article on converting the 1/72 Type VII to a working sub with dynamic dive.

The article is not over-technical but has some pretty useful stuff and it's been enough for me to take that big box off the top of the wardrobe and get started on building the thing. Much to my wifes dismay it is now occupying the dinner table and we eat off our knees ( and expect to be for a couple of months yet....) .

I was wondering if any other folk (volk?) were planning on constructing powered subs; maybe post here and exchange info; I am expecting my sub to slide gracefully down the slipway at the Watford branch of Germaniawerft in the spring or summer and if anyone else is doing a similar conversion in the south-east maybe launch a joint offensive against the surface ships at a local boating lake....heh heh they won't know what's hit them... :rotfl:

Sailor Steve
01-07-06, 01:20 PM
There are already radio-controlled working sub models available from a variety of sources.