View Full Version : AOD - playing the Stalemate Phase?

09-27-05, 02:29 PM

Playing the AOD 1.2 campaign.

I am now into the Stalemate Phase and those British Sunderlands are all over my boat. They are forcing me down 1-3 times per day while out on patrol. I assume by now that they must be using radar, since they seem to head right for me as opposed to earlier in the war where they often meander by at a safe distance.

Intuitively, you would think that it would be safest to be surfaced at night and poor visibility and run submerged when visibility is good. However, the Sunderlands seem to find me despite night and fog (radar, I guess); and in such conditions my crew provides no warnings (in clear conditions I can spot them at 30km on the map and the crew at 10km). So, it seems to me that it is best to run submerged when visibility is poor. Makes sense?

Otherwise, it would appear that if I happen across a convoy under these conditions that I might well be hard pressed to prosecute an attack. I suppose the only thing I can do is switch my patrol area to the mid-Atlantic beyond the range of land based aircraft?
