View Full Version : Star Trek Bridge Commander

Captain Norman
09-02-05, 10:11 PM
I only ever had the demo for the game, but it was really good. You were in command of Galaxy and later a Sovereign class starship. You had control of the bridge, and there was a large campaign available. It was fun engaging Romulan warbirds, and having to divert power from the warp core to the shields, while also figuring out a method to target specific areas of the enemy ships to destroy them. I am a big fan of Star Trek:TNG, and id definately suggest Star Trek Bridge Commander.

09-04-05, 12:09 PM
Me and my friend had the same demo, it is fun, we kept trying to get a Klingon Bird of Prey inbetween the two hulls of a Romulan Warbird...and almost succeeded! :D

09-05-05, 06:47 AM

I have the game - finished it twice, i'm personally more of a Star wars fan than a trekkie - but it did enjoy the battleship ballet that comes about manovering for a kill and the tactical thought that was in the game.


09-06-05, 08:28 AM
I sitll have this game as well. It was very well done.

09-06-05, 05:12 PM
I played the demo quite a bit back in the day, however I found it lacking compared to what interplay's Klingon Academy could do. Klingon Academy just seemed to flow better and provided some really great community addons and support. I know of BC's addons too its just that KA had better combat, and above all else better gameplay.

09-07-05, 12:28 PM
I always liked the starfleet command series, pitty the games tended to be bug ridden and not realy fixed though. Im getting sick of publishers who release barely playable bug ridden games and then not fix them :nope:

09-07-05, 05:33 PM
Starfleet Command II EAW fully patched worked well in gamespy for a while, what really killed it was the dead dynaverise that was suppose to work outta the box.

SFC I was and will remain a classic, I was'nt even aware of Star Fleet Battles and here was a beauty of a tactical sim just waiting for some modding. :rock: Though it had more bugs than KA 52.... :doh:

09-09-05, 08:39 AM
SFC 3 Dynaverse was worse as i recall. Biggest bug was that the clock would stop and the ai would stop moving, no new ships would get produced etc. Very irritating.

10-13-05, 07:28 AM
Been a while since I've been in this forum, but I'll add my 2 cents. Bridge Commander was good, and I just finished Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, and it was great. I think it's classified as a fleet tactical simulator. The demo doesn't give you much to work with, but the full game rocks.

I was a huge fan of SFC also. I could never finish SFCII because of a mission with a known bug where you had to call for a trasport after you destroyed all enemy ships, but the transport never would come. I downloaded a fix for that mission, and even restarted the campaign, but I always got hung on that mission, so I never finished the game. I didn't like SFC3 at all. The devs went away form the hardcore fans and tried to get casual gamers to buy it.

10-17-05, 03:26 AM
Got it at last :D

Just put the USS Defiant in between the twin hulls of a warbird :up:

Now for the collective :doh:

12-19-05, 03:22 PM
I still have my copy of BC, I play it once in a while. Its a good game, and the modding community around it is pretty active, especially if you have a fast machine, you can d/l 3rd party ships which graphically can blow away any stock ships right out of the water.

I also liked SFC1 and 2, I never played SFC3, it looked kind of cool though, but from the posts I read on this thread it seems it was not as good as the old SFC games.