View Full Version : SP mission 7 - bug enemies submarines below floor?!

06-21-17, 10:56 AM
I want to share this video with the dev to notify this bug.

I've detected two surface vessels and moved toward them. At some point i've detected a submarine, which BTW was surfaced and cavitating, and i've managed to sink both surface vessels and that submarine.

However as i kept playing i've started to suspect that something was wrong...too much difficult to detect other subs (which might happens). After getting a little bit bored i checked in the exit window whether there was any vessel nearby and indeed there was.
After while i got just extremely bored that i flanked around in order to attract them and this is where it became even more odd, so i begin to do some test.
I've started to receive yellow contacts line that could not be identified (reduce speed and cover the area), then i started to get these torpedoes that was basically not visible in the 3D.
I fired towards one of the yellow line contacts and my torpedo just turned straight below the floor and i saw that these torpedoes fired against me was actually running below the floor.
I've captured those behavior and made a short clip that i'd love to share with you.

Thanks in advance
