View Full Version : SH4 any good? (:

07-24-12, 05:28 PM
Hey im playing SH3+GWX, but i want to try something new. So i was thinking of SH4, is it any good compared to SH3. And are there any mods like GWX for SH4?


Sailor Steve
07-24-12, 05:56 PM
Well, you're fairly new so I won't point out how many times those questions have been asked over the last five years.

Is it any good? It is excellent. There are several improvements over SH3, some of the graphical and some in the way the game works.

What are you looking for? If you want to play American boats in the Pacific it's your only option unless you want to backtrack to SH1. It is excellent, with several supermods that add different angles to the feel of the game and how it works. All are good, just different.

If you want to play u-boats in the Atlantic there is an excellent campaign that has everything the SH3 supermods have except some of the graphical goodies such as the harbors and bridges. Both sides of the game are very good, so there's not much more to say, at least on my part.

07-24-12, 07:54 PM
I agree - now .
Back 4 years ago when I installed SH4 and the wolves if the pacific add on I nearly fainted when I heard 1) English voices and worse still 2) saw that the "Kriegsmarine" caps looked like the ones my local security firm wore ... black with a shiny silver shield!!!
It has come a long way since then - you need about a dozen mods and the jsgme program if you are picky like me or just the one supermod like operation monsun if you aren't the DIY type . All are available on the downloads section of this forum.
Also great thing about playing SH4 is just about any new PC these days can play it with the detail settings turned right up. I have "rediscovered" sh4 on my Alienware laptop this last week and it's a god send seeing the mirage like image if my boat from above the water at periscope depth. DO IT!!!

07-25-12, 03:57 AM
Okay thanks for the replies, but im wondering what are the most used supermod. :)

07-25-12, 05:23 AM
Depends on what you like.

I have them all, and with MultiSH4, I have each supermod loaded up, so depending on how I feel, I can play whichever one I am in the mood for.

One really isn't superior over another, as they all have something to offer the player.

07-25-12, 05:30 AM
I like GWX for SH3, ive been looking at Fall Of The Rising Sun is that any good :D

07-25-12, 09:11 AM
Most use TMO...

07-25-12, 11:37 AM
note - all of the big mods fixes most (but not all) of the issues and bugs with the game but there are a lot of things in this game that cant be fixed with mods so some bugs you just have to learn to ignore and overlook.

GFO is good to start out with because it is still very close to the stock game but fixes most (but not all) of the issues and bugs with the game.

TMO adds a nice challenge to the game but it can be a bit much to handle for the new beginner just starting to play the game.

as to FOTRS i cant say, i've heard its good but i never used it myself. i did hear it wasnt that mod friendly as far as adding mods on top of it so if you want other mods then make sure they say its ok to use them with FOTRS or it can cause issues. (same goes for all the big mods)

there is also the RFB mod which a lot of people like, its mostly about trying to make things realistic in the way things look and work where TMO went a slightly different with a mod that was trying to make things realistic in the way things look and work but more importantly made sure it had a realistic "feel" to it so its more of a realistic experience to play

Rockin Robbins
07-25-12, 05:36 PM
Of the three bigs, FOTRS is the most GWX flavored. RFB and TMO believe eye-candy is okay just as long as it has no impact on gameplay. So you won't see rarely encountered merchant ships in there that will slow down loading even if you might see them only once in a career for instance.

FOTRS has some of the widest variety of beautifully rendered shipping in the business. You'll like it a lot.

But personally when the chips are down I'm a TMO guy. Who cares what the planes look like if you never see them? They could be Wright Flyers for all I care. I just don't like 'em and dive before they see me.

07-25-12, 06:23 PM
Yep, what Webster and Rockin Robbins said.

GFO is a great starter to get your feet wet with, to learn the commands for the boat, how things work, and once you get a grip on the game, then bump up to one of the other mods.

FOTRS is great for the variety of shipping, and aircraft it has added, but as was stated above, it isn't mod soup friendly. Aside from sub skins, I don't add much to it, as it breaks very easily.