View Full Version : TMO2 Crew Management and guage interference

01-24-11, 01:52 PM
First, my question. On the crew management screen, the gauges are so large that they cover the manning positions for the lower corner, usually one of the flak guns. How can I gain access to those positions while on patrol?

Now, having asked the question, on to the admiration part of our program. I've just started running TMO2 and, man, does it change the game. What an excellent mod. Thanks very much Ducimus and the other contributers for making the game so awesome.

I somehow got sunk in my first patrol off the coast of Japan but have no idea why. I had TC up too high and by the time whatever damaged me had finished the job, my periscopes were toast and I couldn't see what had done the job. Oh, well.

On my second patrol (Gato class, June '43), I turned "map updates" off, not quite realising what that would do. While I think it offers less SA than a skipper would have had with a trained crew manning the sensors, it provided a great challenge to approach and attack a two-freighter convoy. it was the most manual one I've ever done. Plotting positions by range and bearing to get course and predict an approach was very satisfying.

For some reason, the radar range was rubbish, giving readings that were twice the actual range. I learned from that not to count on radar and just to use my own judgement (unless there's a trick to reading the radar plot I haven't figured out?). Real range information didn't come until I could use the stadimeter, and then the approach worked perfectly. I had to be very flexible and maneuver quite a bit near the end due to the range issue, but it was a great setup. Mind you, I couldn't have done it that way if there'd been escorts around. Too much pressure and too risky.

Throughly enjoying the game even more now!

01-24-11, 02:08 PM
First, my question. On the crew management screen, the gauges are so large that they cover the manning positions for the lower corner, usually one of the flak guns. How can I gain access to those positions while on patrol?

Use the "." key on the number pad to hide the interface.

I somehow got sunk in my first patrol off the coast of Japan but have no idea why. I had TC up too high and by the time whatever damaged me had finished the job, my periscopes were toast and I couldn't see what had done the job. Oh, well.

Shore batteries, mines, or an airplane that TC didn't catch are the likely culprits.

For some reason, the radar range was rubbish, giving readings that were twice the actual range. I learned from that not to count on radar and just to use my own judgement (unless there's a trick to reading the radar plot I haven't figured out?).

Might you have had the range knob set to the wrong position? There's a mod by Nisgeis out that completely redefines radar usage (And the TDC, too!). It makes getting an accurate range much easier and historically accurate. Before it came out, I rarely used the radar, and always had contacts on.

Mod: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=170944
Tutorial: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=172535

01-24-11, 04:05 PM
MINES!! Of course!! I hadn't thought of that.

That might, or might not, explain today's death, too. I was just outside Tokyo Bay making my way south at night on the surface to Area 5 when radar reported a contact. I went to flank speed to investigate and found two destroyers shooting at me out of the dark. How they saw me when I couldn't see anything at all is beyond me. Lots of carrots in the Japanese diet maybe (did they have radar in June '43?).

I was busy evading later when there was a pause in the depth charges and suddenly, with no DCs going off, everything just suddenly went to hell.

The funny thing was, it all caved in well after an explosion, as though the hull was weakened and then imploded after a delayed response of some kind. Not what I was expecting, and it did rather piss me off as it didn't sound like they were that close. Oh, well, that's what experience is all about!

I think I now understand the game of golf. Lots of disappointments punctuated by an awesome achievement every so often after a particularly successful attach - enough to keep you coming back looking for that high again.

Thanks for the tip on the mod and the ".". I'll try that next time I play.
