View Full Version : Do I Have the First Nuclear Sub in the Fleet?!

11-18-10, 03:18 PM
I found a wierd "anomaly". I'm playing at about 80% realism. I've gone in and checked that I'm using limited fuel, batteries, realistic reloads, etc; but for some reason my fuel level hasn't dropped since my second refuel / rearm stop.

I've been cruising along at flank speed long enough to drain my tanks several times over. Anybody else seen this one before?

11-18-10, 04:21 PM
Did you select your gameplay settings from the Options menu while in Home Port, or did you set them from the Options menu when the game first loaded?:hmmm:

11-18-10, 04:24 PM
Both! I've just gotten into the habit of checking the options whenever I start the game. For some reason it seems like they change on me from time to time.

It's strange.

11-19-10, 01:33 PM
Think thats strange ? I ran outta air (CO2 went to 100%) while running on the surface last night. I'm hoping my save before suffocation will fix the glitch in the op last night as I scored 2 'city of London' heavy cruisers.

11-19-10, 03:10 PM
Think thats strange ? I ran outta air (CO2 went to 100%) while running on the surface last night. I'm hoping my save before suffocation will fix the glitch in the op last night as I scored 2 'city of London' heavy cruisers.

I've had that happen several times myself. I've gotten in the habit of saving any time I notice it's continuing to build while I'm surfaced and just reload. That seems to reset the CO2 issue for me.

11-19-10, 05:34 PM
I think I had something similar happen on more than one occasion but with my memory lately (swear I gotta see a doctor soon), I can't recall for certain. I know that if you set your options in both the Home Port and Main Menu, I think the Home Port settings take precedence. Just to be certain, from now on, save a game immediately out of port, restart the game and double-check your settings. I do this all the time now, and I think:hmmm:, it's because I encountered a similar issue.

11-20-10, 08:31 AM
Campaign, options must be set using the radio in the office while in port.

CO2 issue on the surface is one bug that can't be fixed, save and reload and it'll go away.