View Full Version : target marking in navmap???

05-02-10, 03:47 AM
Can anyone explain the markings in the navigation map,what start the lines to the target from the sub and some is red and some grey color????

and the target marking(square )have that color grey and red and sometimes I can see them and sometimes no??????

05-02-10, 06:15 AM
I have only been playing myself for a little while but I believe what you are talking about are sonar contacts from your sub.

Blue lines represent warships, black are merchants

Grey I believe denotes unknown

05-02-10, 11:57 PM
If you have sonar contacts you will get blue or black lines to show where the contact is. The end of the line is the contact.

If you have squares with little tails that are gray these are radar contacts.
the tails show the direction of the travel.

If you have squares that are red or have a red tail these are visual contacts.

There are also squares that are far away from you and these are contacts called in by some other boat, plane or ship etc. You can try to intercept these if they are close and heading in your direction.


05-04-10, 05:04 AM
what I do (i'm assuming alot).
If you're on mission don't get distracted from acheiving your orders first as HIGH priority. Don't get tempted.
1, Detection and destruction of target. Single time:
Draw a Rule-line down the direction of the ship's heading.
Zoom right in and adjust the start position of the rule is close as possible to the start location of the target and dont move it.
Draw the line out along the target's direction and adjust this end only.
Scroll out

2, Draw
Rule line out so you can work out your intercept location.
Compass 10Km (approx LOS distance) to help keep your distance perspective on map.
Compass 2000ms to line up your shot.
Compass 4000ms or 5300ms (dep on Destryoyer class)
click and hold centre to change locations or arrow end to change length/direction.
Keep an eye out for Target heading changes and readjust the rule's angle. Usually dead straight.
4, Use waypoint tool and set your approach to the target zone.
Use 10K compass along the target direction line to find LOS. Submerge at that location if reqired
Use 2K compass to identify Target/intercept zone
Use 2nd Waypoint to set out your angle to target at this point
Use 4k/5.3K compass for Destroyer areas of effect. No noise and/or run deep in there.
Use Protractor to set Angle to bow for torpedoes (10deg)
5, Readjust direction of target and advance time
Get to the plotted target area
The more accurate measurements the less you need to adjust.
Heaps of time to wait, adjust and anticipate.
Attack (2000ms)
1, Be submerged when in LOS-10k and stationary on attack.
Command Run silent but at this point you should be stationary and below thermal layer (about 50-70m)
GO MAP watch blue line move past your protractor angle (10deg) Inner circle is about 1300ms- no periscope!
Inside 4-5.3K at front of escorts nothing but SR at 1/3 at 1300ms front, no periscopes and under thermal layer.
Pop up when thick black sonar lines are heading towards your protractor angle (10deg)
Command Periscope depth
2, Target as required
Set another target
Fire all torps
Ahead 1/3 (SILENT) heading - against convoy's direction.
Keep moving and do not stop
Dive below thermal layer
Manouver, Anticipate convoy's heading after explosions
Run silent, run deep
Patience. Get back out of the 5-10k zone, reload and go in again for another go 40 k's later or move on to the next convoy.

Should I bother to keep going?