View Full Version : [REQ] Auto-Pause Game in TC mode

03-08-10, 01:26 PM
I would like a way to be able to select the option to pause the game when running in 2x time compression mode if an event/message/contact were to take place. During a mission, when cruising, I would like to let the game run, go do other things and when I come back the game would be paused.

03-08-10, 01:35 PM
I would like a way to be able to select the option to pause the game when running in 2x time compression mode if an event/message/contact were to take place. During a mission, when cruising, I would like to let the game run, go do other things and when I come back the game would be paused.

In one of the cfg files in your documents/SH5 folder, you can customize the TC settings. The numbers for the varieous categories are the TC setting it will slow down to when that condition happens. Change the ones you want to '0' and you'll get that effect. You'll have to balance it out with gameplay. Oftentimes with convoys or ships on the very edge of detection, ship sighted gets triggered a lot. Having it pause every time may get tedious. Give it a go. You'll no doubt find settings that work for you.

03-09-10, 08:01 AM
Thanks for the info. Found the file main.cfg in a SH5 folder in My Documents location.