View Full Version : Ghost Convoys?

07-09-09, 09:10 PM
Was patroling near the Moro Gulf when my radar picked up a slow moving large convoy. I came in on a good attack angle but found it to be well defended by at least 4 escorts running a wide defense perimeter around it (not a common site). Anyway I decided to hang back and shadow them till dusk. The convoy then slowly turned and headed into Davao Gulf, 'excellent' I thought, trapped! Well I stopped outside the entrance and waited till dark. Then I drifted in and headed straight for the harbor, went to periscope depth about 4k out but as I closed I found to my horror the only ships there was a single small split freighter and a gunboat.
In disgust I blew both the ships to hell and did a lap of the entire gulf but not a single boat was there. No way the convoy could have snuck out and they entered it as I followed their course on the radar, only the last few k before the harbor did I lose contact due to range.

Is this a common occurrence? Ghost convoys get the crews spooked:o

07-09-09, 09:45 PM
IIRC all convoys have a preset list of waypoints, onceit finishes those waypoints they disappear, I had a task force fo that to me once

07-09-09, 11:43 PM
Yep if it looks like the convoy is headed towards a port strike right then because they will vanish at the last waypoint.