View Full Version : Light Fog

06-07-09, 05:20 AM
I noticed that every time there is light fog I cannot target an enemy ship until it is almost on top of me. I can see the targets with my periscope and attempt to do manual shots but I do not understand why light fog wont let me target at least around 2000 or 3000 range.

Are there any ways to increase the range the computer will target with periscope in light fog conditions?


06-07-09, 05:34 AM
Your mods ??
This probably has to do with your config settings :DL

06-07-09, 12:53 PM
can i alter config settings?

06-07-09, 08:16 PM
If you are using the Real Environment mod then there is an addition mod to fix this. The mode is called Lite Fog, look in the mods board for the real environment posting. Have a hunt around in there for the Lite Fog mod, or run a search for it.

I do not know if this fix would work or be suitably compatible in the absence of the Real Environment mod if the original RE mod has not been applied to your game.
Try it and see. If it gives you trouble you can always retract the mod.

I'm running RE with the Lite Fog fix.

06-07-09, 08:26 PM
The only problem I've seen with fog is the same mentione before, with Real Env. mod. Here is the link to the lite fog fix.
