View Full Version : Trigger Maru Overhaul Questions

01-18-09, 11:33 PM
Just got a faster connecition and was able to download it and so on, but have a few questions regarding the addition/subtraction of things.

One, at the end of my patrol, I recieved the Distinguished service medal, yet in my case, the only thing showing is the Medal of Honor, which accurately shows the DSC when I click on it. Second patrol yielded the Medal of Honor, which shows up as the victory cross; what is going on?

Two, what happpened to the hordes of convoy and task force contact reports from CINPAC-I know that high realism removes the option, but I am running with realism low until I familiarize myself with this mod set.

01-19-09, 04:33 AM
Just got a faster connecition and was able to download it and so on, but have a few questions regarding the addition/subtraction of things.

One, at the end of my patrol, I recieved the Distinguished service medal, yet in my case, the only thing showing is the Medal of Honor, which accurately shows the DSC when I click on it. Second patrol yielded the Medal of Honor, which shows up as the victory cross; what is going on?

Just one of the bugs. If you look through the forums, you can probably find a "patch" that fixes this. I have the same trouble, but I just ignore it.

hat happpened to the hordes of convoy and task force contact reports from CINPAC-I know that high realism removes the option, but I am running with realism low until I familiarize myself with this mod set.

TMO is different than the stock version, more emphasis was placed on realism than on anything else. It also makes your careers a little harder too.

No longer can you receive updates of a convoy or task force when it is 1500 iles away.

I like the fact that I am not bothered with so many convoy or task force reports myself. As the motto for TMo says, "Find 'em, Chase 'em, Sink 'em".

In TMO, you actually have to "hunt" for your prey. Now every once in a while you'll get lucky and stumble across one, or one will be reported somewhere realitively close.

But by and large, its hunt for your prey.

But cheer up, in 1942, you will be able to purchase the SJ-Radar which will greatly help hunting down convoys and task forces.

Good Luck, and good hunting.

01-19-09, 09:39 AM
Thanks alot for the info.

01-19-09, 09:48 AM
Also, check into RSRDC. It adds historical traffic and more emersive mission style.

01-22-09, 09:43 AM
The medal requirements have changed, would anybody happen to know what it takes for the Navy Cross?

P.S.-Is getting a new conning tower and paint scheme still a roll of the metaphorical dice, or is it time-sensitive?

Rockin Robbins
01-22-09, 10:31 AM
Conning tower and paint schemes become available at certain dates, but whether you will get one or not is dependent on the blindfolded chimp with the darts. This is an upgrade from the metaphorical dice.

01-23-09, 03:55 PM
And how do you get the Navy Cross?

01-24-09, 01:31 AM
Just go on a few patrols, complete your objectives and sink some ships.
Soon you will be up to your eyeballs in medals. There is really no rhyme or
reason to the meals. After a few missions you probability ignore them like I do.
