View Full Version : attack convoy question

I'm goin' down
10-28-08, 11:42 PM
Is there a fundamental strategy for attacking convoys? I am on Mission No. 8 in Careers in a GATO. My sonar station is disabled, and I use auto targeting. I locate ships from the map and with my hydrophones. But when I try to engage a convoy I am always spotted by destroyers who see my persiscope even at night in a rainstorm. I am supposed to use my stadimeter while submerged to wait for the convoy to get close, surface and shoot, and then run away.

The destroyers have my number and are KICKING my ass.

[To keep myself occupied between attacks I am watching the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a classic because you never see any violence, but you see bizarre characters, bodies hanging from meat hooks, body parts, etc., hear victims' screams when the chainsaw is fired up, and see the remains after they have they have been "butchered." But nowhere do you see the actual attack--you only imagine it! ]

10-29-08, 02:48 AM
When you get you r first visuals submerge, set speed to two knots and rig for silent running. Try to wrok your way into the convoy by sneaking past the escorts, keeping the periscope down and only rase it for no more than 30 sec at any one time.

10-29-08, 03:43 AM
Or, try to remain undetected ahead of the convoy, submerge and come to about 3200 yards from it's path. Then launch the torps, a full salvo making sure to compensate the different distances from the targeted ships by the order in which you launch. IN this way, all torps will hit in approximately the same time.

This is not such a successful method, but in 90% of the cases you will remain undetected, and maybe get the chance to make a second attack.

Basically this is the night surface attack method used buy the Germans and also the Americans, but submerged in daylight.

I'm goin' down
10-29-08, 04:48 AM
Kruger, I am not playing a mod version and I am not sure my torpedoes will travel that far. I usually fire at 1000 yds. I am in Gato vessel in Career. I am in midst of mission no. 8, and I just sunk a freighter at 1,000 yds using auto targeting. Do you think your method work in my situation for a 3,200 yds convoy attack?

Rockin Robbins
10-29-08, 05:23 AM
Yes, your torpedoes will reach that far. If you go to the weapons screen you can see the torpedoes and what tubes they are in. Clicking on a torpedo will pop up an information window telling you its range.

My studies with stock torpedoes show that at slow speed fifty percent of the torpedoes prematurely stop between 3200 yards and 4000 yards. I had 100% reach 3200 yards, 50% reach 4000 yards. The rest kept running all the way out to 8000 yards and beyond.

10-29-08, 08:18 AM
Exactly. So, modded or unmodded, this is an easy way to attack convoys when not using manual targeting.

At 3200 yds (or more taking in consideration the fact that you will not attack at 90 degrees), any kind of torp should theoretically reach it's target in high speed setting. This setting is actually highly recommended, since your torps will be visible all across the convoy, especially in daylight. If you get some duds in your salvo, then your tactics will be screwed. The premature detonation will almost certainly determine all the ships to take evasive maneuvers, and your firing solution will go down to the saturday's water.

10-29-08, 09:45 AM
My strategy in any weather:

Once convoy is spotted, I plot its course using the ruler. Specifically I plot the outer ships as this represents the width of the convoy.

I haul ahead so I have enough time to get within 1000 yards (and 90 degree angle) of this outer convoy lane (all of this is done on surface day or night - I make sure to be at least 8000 yards away from lead DD so I don't get spotted).

Once in position - all stop, battle stations and dive deep below thermal layer. Rig for silent and listen... Mainly for pinging (you've been spotted) or increased DD speed on my position.

As soon as the DDs are right on top of me, I come up to PD. By this time you are in their baffles and the outer screen might be to far away. At PD I find myself real close to the outer lane and definitely can make a shot on juicier targets in the middle - those I aim for first to time to torps.

Of course all this changes when you have limited depth, nature of convoy, foul weather, and if you are surprised...

Good luck and happy hunting. :up:

I'm goin' down
10-29-08, 12:46 PM
I'll try them all, but Rockin Robbins blew me away with his "torpedoe range study." Either he is a genious or has a lot of time on his hands, or both. When I try an online game, I hoipe he is on my side!