View Full Version : USSVI 2008 Fall Convention info

M. Sarsfield
02-26-08, 03:21 PM
Anyone that works on a museum boat will want to attend this to help "pimp their ride" so to speak. Their idea is to have each museum set up a display and have someone knowledgable to talk to at their display. Visibility equals mucho dinero.

Event details: http://ussvi2008.com/ (http://ussvi2008.com/)
POCs are Jeff Morris (jeffnsue@mindspring.com (jeffnsue@mindspring.com)) and Marv Koch (mkochss525@sbcglobal.net (mkochss525@sbcglobal.net)).

Also, Bill Lee of the Lockwood Internet Base Chapter of USSVI (sub_ssn589@yahoo.com (sub_ssn589@yahoo.com)) suggests that it's better to ask for funding for a specific project and to take before and after pictures to show people what you do/did with their money. This encourages them and others to keep giving, since people usually will fund small projects instead of a general "save the boat fund". These pictures will be posted on the www.SaveOurSubmarines.com (http://www.SaveOurSubmarines.com) website.