View Full Version : Refuel/Rearm hull repairs vs. ending a patrol?

11-05-07, 11:42 AM

Im currently commanding S-40 in summer of '42. I recently had an engagement with a task force near Lombok and took on some hull damange and lost both scopes.

I have returned to Freemantle to repair the scopes and hull damage. I do not want to end the patrol because I didnt make it to my Java patrol zone with the damage after the engagement and wish to complete my orders for once. Since hull damage percentage is not viewable, im concerned about simply rearming and refuelling. Will that fix my hull damage or will I be going back out to sea with a marginal boat unless I end the patrol?

11-05-07, 11:52 AM
Tenders (striped anchors) will not repair hull damage.

I believe the only way to get hull damage repaired is to return to your home port thus basicially ending the patrol. Someone please correct me if Im wrong.

There is supposed to be some improvements as to representing hull damage in the upcoming patch allowing you to make a more informed decision.

11-05-07, 12:38 PM
I'm pretty sure that to repair hull damage you have to end your patrol and go in to base. Your damage control teams will repair any minor damage to your hull, but for more in depth repairs, it's going to need the team at the yard to do it.

11-05-07, 12:47 PM
Yes, you must return to your home port and dock--ending the patrol.

11-05-07, 12:50 PM
Yes, you must return to your home port and dock--ending the patrol.

Or refit and take your chances.

Problem is you dont know how big a chance your taking.

11-06-07, 10:12 AM
Alright. I guess Ill dock up at Freemantle.


Rockin Robbins
11-06-07, 10:20 AM
This is the obligatory argument that captains did not have hull damage percentage gauges in the control room. Often they were guessing how much hidden damage they had and did not find out until they were in drydock what danger they were in.

U-505 was attacked by an aircraft, had muchas hidden damage, which although unknown in specifics, continued to play havoc with boat funcionality until it was captured almost a year later.

That is why if we get a damage gauge, I'm turning it off.:arrgh!:

11-06-07, 10:31 AM
Or you can use "Damage-Analyser II" to evaluate the damage on your fish can. Good Hunting.:arrgh!:

11-06-07, 10:52 AM
This is the obligatory argument that captains did not have hull damage percentage gauges in the control room. Often they were guessing how much hidden damage they had and did not find out until they were in drydock what danger they were in.

U-505 was attacked by an aircraft, had muchas hidden damage, which although unknown in specifics, continued to play havoc with boat funcionality until it was captured almost a year later.

That is why if we get a damage gauge, I'm turning it off.:arrgh!:

Thats fine. I dont even nessicarily need a gauge. But, when SH4 has visuals that show big chunks taken out of your boat, it would be nice to have an option to select that its patched up. Whether its percentage, or any other system, many of the damages are obvious, or, in the very least, you know the boat is sparking, and lights are spritzing at depth....You at least know by inspection something needs work.

Rockin Robbins
11-06-07, 11:18 AM
But, when SH4 has visuals that show big chunks taken out of your boat, it would be nice to have an option to select that its patched up.

Ya, big chunks kinda imply that some repair work is probably necessary...:88) possibly. But the tenders weren't equipped to handle that. Isn't amazing how a submarine with big chunks out of it can continue to submerge? A little graphics tweaking could be helpful there.....maybe.:shifty: It's pretty cool that our bilge pumps can handle all that water though.

11-06-07, 12:07 PM
Problem is.. at least for now...

The damage graphics do not necessarly follow the actual damage in any sort of 'linear' way.

The kind of damage graphics I have witnessed would have been the end of the sub regardless of wether it was submerged or not.

I mean really being able to look through a gaping hole in the hull looking into the conn ? :hmm:

So, yes the graphics indicate there is some damage. No, it doesent necessarly depict catastrophic damage. Unfortunatly you dont know wether or not it IS catastrophic.

11-06-07, 03:55 PM
I for one do not want a damage gauge. i like guessig what my hidden damage is. that beingn said i would like a better indication than water spraying in the conning tower.

11-06-07, 04:22 PM
It would be really awsome to have crumpled bulkheads, equipment broken loose and tossed about, water sloshing about knee deep, fires and smoke breaking out, crewmembers crying out coughing. Having to close hatches to mitigate flooding etc.

At least in the game it would be cool :p

BTW there are more 'clues' to damage than spraying water, broken glass on the gauges comes to mind.

11-06-07, 04:58 PM
When judging damage, the hole is nice, but i think more about what hit me since not all guns hit for the same damage. Then theres things like a circular running torpedo. If you get one of those, assuming you get to the surface, the next time you submerge, it will most likely be permanent.

11-06-07, 06:00 PM
Tenders actually were capable of doing some large repairs believe it or not. Machine shops and the likes were extensive. I do believe the damage modeling should be improved. Why not when pulling up to the tender can't we recieve a fairly detailed report (or even when out to sea and surfaced) about what can be fixed, what cannot without RTB and going in the yards, what it will affect and how jacked up whatever is damaged really is? Like in the parenthasis above when sufaced the crew should be able to make a fairly detailed report also (and when submerged the interior only can be inspected)
I think that will add some more to the DC model, instead of having some gage telling us a percentage, it would then be on the captain and crew to determine if she can refuel and go or should end the patrol early so no one needlesly goes to the bottom and can live to fight another day.