View Full Version : Possible not bug but my graphic card ?

04-27-07, 12:04 PM
Useing external camera ( F11 ) and moving the mouse up and away from me this happened in Dutch Harbor. I think my graphic card just has powerfull suction pulling up the harbor bottom. :lol:

It should have looked more like this. Still in F11 but mouse pulled back to about middle of screen.

Whether a bug or not it sure looks weird. :lol: I'ved tried this several times out of Dutch Harbor and no ill effect so far but can do it anytime in DH harbor. Still may be the way my computers set up,not sure?

I had saved just as I entered the harbor and quit the sim, when I came back I noticed the tanker was split in half and on fire. Remember the SH3 bug doing that? I was at harbor for at least 30 real minutes looking at scenery and taking pics and all this time tanker keep burning away with under water explosions and people walking on deck in the water and walking in to the flames. WHAT were they thinking?? :rotfl:

04-27-07, 12:05 PM
You have your vertical synch check / unchecked ?

Either way toggle it and see if that fixes it.

04-27-07, 12:15 PM
You have your vertical synch check / unchecked ?

Either way toggle it and see if that fixes it.

It was checked at time of pics, have turned off since and no difference, so rechecked. Aw I'm not going to complain about it as I just thought it was comical about the rock bottom comming up. Me and my dry ( wet in this case ) humor. :lol:

Kant Schwimm
04-27-07, 12:30 PM
I had that bug - 1 of many:up:
And yup it was my graphics card settings, i think that went when i toggled anostropic filtering to off, though to be honest that was the least of my graphics probs at the time, a simple thing to do is reset all your graphics card settings to minimal then reload them 1 at time - restart game check rinse an repeat, I also did this with all my ingame settings, it takes about an hour but is well worth it.

04-27-07, 12:34 PM
Still happens on my 7600GS SLI set up every now and again.