View Full Version : Chronometer, time to impact indicator. does sh4 have one

silent one
04-22-07, 07:35 PM
In sh3 there was a time to impact indicator ( red line)as the chronometer started on torpedo launch, indicating when to expect impact. I dont seem to have one on in sh4.
Is this a bug or a feature thats been taken out? Am I doing something wrong?

04-22-07, 07:41 PM
In sh3 there was a time to impact indicator ( red line)as the chronometer started on torpedo launch, indicating when to expect impact. I dont seem to have one on in sh4.
Is this a bug or a feature thats been taken out? Am I doing something wrong?

I think that the small bottom dial is supposed to be measuring/indicating this, but I'm not really sure - given all the various problems with ship speeds, mast heights, ship lengths, range settings, ship drafts, torp speed settings, magnetic exploder settings, etc, I'm only hitting about 5-10% of my shots so far in sub school and quick missions and haven't really had much opportunity to notice whether the stopwatch is keeping up with time to impact :nope:

04-22-07, 11:42 PM