View Full Version : Is there a way to add external camera to Career

04-12-07, 04:31 PM
For instance when you set your realism settings(I have mine on Custom; 50%) you can select what options you would like. Yet when you start a career you can only select difficulty settings to be easy,medium,hard, realistic.

Therefor I've to have Ext. Camera on any of my career's.

In Single patrols it works fine.

Any whelp would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: N/M; I just checked the dates...

04-12-07, 04:36 PM
Hi, don't get confused with "diffuclty" settings and "realism" settings. Two different things. On the career office screen you can change the "realism" settings. I believe if you click on the radio on top of the bookcase on the left of the screen, the options are in there.

Hmmm.dunno about the second question....

04-12-07, 04:38 PM
Hi, don't get confused with "diffuclty" settings and "realism" settings. Two different things. On the career office screen you can change the "realism" settings. I believe if you click on the bookcase on the left of the screen, the options are in there. (can't remember which file you click on)
Oh ok! Awesome, so it's done in your Career office screen, Thanks.:up:

As for the two, I thought that if I changed my realism settings(In Gameplay options) they would carry over to my career. I didn't realize you need to change it for each career.