View Full Version : My own Operation Peticoat Moment

04-06-07, 11:29 PM
I love Operation Peticoat, and I watch it quite often, and I marvel at how you can blow up a truck with a Mk-14 Mod 0 torpedo. Well, I managed near the same myself. I was ordered to perform a photo recon mission, and I complied, even though the crew and I were heartily worried about being ordered into water too shallow for safe submerged operations. Well after photographing the CV, 2 CAs, 4 DDs, numerous gunboats which were at anchor and aflame, and an I-400 Sen Toku, I decided that I had too many torpedoes on board to pass up the opportunity. I radioed a contact report, which was detected by RDF because 12 planes suddenly began scouring the area.

A radio dispatch told me that it was too good an opportunity to pass up, so I planned my attack. My first target was the Shokaku which was nested with a destroyer. 2 fish under her stacks sent her to the bottom. Flush with our success I ordered the rudder hard over and targeted the two CAs anchored astern of the now sinking CV. I tried to line up 0 gyro angle shots in order to allow for quick solutions and attacks. The first attack went off without a hitch. A single torpedo struck a Maya class CA dead center, and violently exploded and began to sink in a brilliant fireball. (By the way, crewmen on deck actually now respond to damage and several in the area of the explosion fell to the deck.)

Now for the fun part. I was so excited about the second CA, that I had lined up and fired before I realized that I could see red lead paint. She was riding high for some reason, and my torpedo drove right underneath. I quickly adjusted the depth and sent another fish into her which also blew her to bits. As I taking pictures through the scope, I suddenly saw my first fish blow up the beach. Red faced, I high-tailed it out of the area and back into deep water.


04-06-07, 11:40 PM

Umm.. next time could you convert that to a .jpg format? Saves download time. ;)

04-06-07, 11:43 PM
It would be nice if you could convert the pic to jpeg. Specially for someone like me whos bandwith is being stretched by the download of WoW. :p

Cool pic though.

04-06-07, 11:48 PM
Sorry, I take screenshots from both the game and my board. I must have grabbed the wrong one. I will fix it now.