View Full Version : cant shoot torpedos when ocean is rough?

04-06-07, 02:50 AM
I'm in career mode and on the first mission, The green line for the auto solution is on when I pass midway, but about 1 hour out I lose it. I cant understand why.
Is it because the sea is rougher?
there is no shift change for the crew, so there is no new weapons officer. This has has had me baffled for about a week now, I cant figure it out.

When I was playing before I would sneak up on ships , but then realise the auto solution has disappeared. Its taken me about 15 re-starts to see where I lose it. If this is a bug, why ahs noone else come across it?

Thanks all

04-06-07, 03:03 AM
okay, heres what happens. I'm a bit past midway and if I stay on the attack window the green solution line stays, but if I go to thw nav window or anything else, the gree solution line disappears when I come back to the attack window. This is totally wreaking the game for me , PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

04-06-07, 03:14 AM
I think there is bug reported about that in some areas of the sea. I have no trouble at all opertaing from Brisbane with it.

04-06-07, 03:39 AM
thanx man
I'll try a career from brisie!

04-06-07, 04:31 AM
What sub are you using?