View Full Version : Minefields...?

04-05-07, 04:31 AM

First post here. Im curious about two things and couldent find anything relatetd across the forums.

On two patrols while on the map and with timecompression on 2048 or something, my boat was destroyed all of a sudden and I had no idea what happend. So I cross-checked my printout-map, wich ships with the DVD-version, and found out, that on both occasions, I was well within a minefield. So, are minefilds modelled and if, is there any intel on that besides the print-out?

On another patrol, across the shallow Java-Sea, I hit a not so tiny Island ! But this one was not on the ingame-map. What are you doing if you cross those waters? Cruising in real-time :o all the way, or is there a way to increase the res of the map?

Other than that, excellent immersion-factor and I having a great time hunting or just cruising around.

Thanks for any input


04-05-07, 04:55 AM
Zoom in your map close when plotting anywhere near islands. That should keep you from running into them. As for minefields, I have not ran into any yet but yes, I belive it's modeled.

04-05-07, 05:38 AM
Intel on minefields was sparce to non existant. Boats were ordered to stay away from certain areas because we calculated where they were. As far as having accurate info, forget it.
