View Full Version : Questions about sinking ships

03-28-07, 07:33 AM
I've noticed many times that I torp a ship, it lists, it goes dead in the water, but it doesn't actually sink. IT takes about 10 shells or one more eel to sink it. I wonder if stock SHIV ships can sink from flooding, or if they stay immobilized and listing for eternity?

03-28-07, 07:39 AM
im pretty convinced they cant flood or the waves 'dont count' as water or something. i let my game run on fast forward til a day+ passed and it didnt sink. i had one boat capsize itself kinda and it stayed upside down floating for more than 12 hours before i decided to stop sitting around. but on the other side of that i came across a ship that was already listing so i assume the high seas were bringing her down somehow?

03-28-07, 07:59 AM
I gotta admit I'm getting a bit frustrated with it, A ship with 2 massive holes in the hull shouldn't be able to float on like that forever, Well, realistic or not for the sake of gameplay I should have the option to let flooding sink a ship in a reasonable period of time.

03-28-07, 08:12 AM
I fired 3 torpedos on a small split freighter and it's bow was completely under water. It didn't sink for 2 days, even in a tropcial thunderstorm.

On another incidence, I fired a torpedo on a medium european transporter and it didn't take 10 seconds after the impact and the ship vanished below the waves. No fire, no secondary explosions, nothing. Just a torpedo in the bow-section. A bit too randomized, IMHO. :shifty:

03-28-07, 08:17 AM
I've had freighters take 4 torpedoes spaced out across the keel and refuse to sink after days even with their decks being fully under the water. I don't seem to have much trouble with tankers but that could be due to secondary explosions or just have more of a tendency to tip over. That or they're all C2s in disguise.

03-28-07, 08:18 AM
In reality there were several ships that did take incredible damage and stay afloat, but it was an exception rather than the rule. In this case, I think the damage model may need a little tweaking. Last night I put two fish into a Fubuki which went down by the bow up to the wheel house. She motored on with her props out of the water at seven knots for an entire day before I finally sent another torpedo into her. One of the things that doesn't seem to be taken into account very well is the actual cargo on the vessels. For example, most tankers that were torpedoed immediately burst into flames which prevented damage control or saving the ship. Damage models are probably not easy to get perfect, but I think a little tweaking may still be in order.

03-28-07, 09:58 AM
it can be also a problem with time-compression....

I know some things switch of when you go higher than 32x

..maybe the "flood-calculating" also stops calculate when go >32x ???


03-28-07, 10:11 AM
I'm fiddling around with the damage model here:

Anyone want to try adding RealisticShipSinkingTime=true to their GameplaySettings.cfg (do it in your My Documents\SH4\cfg folder and in the main game folder), to see if it works for you?

03-28-07, 10:35 AM
Every one hates the fact that they seemed to have wasted a topr or 2 put into holes into ships that sit dead in the water listing or move off in the same listing postions or hole them and the sail on...

Could the devs not put in a scoring system that when you hole a ship "damage" it, you get some sort of points toward renown. That way you will feel your shots are not wasted.

03-28-07, 04:59 PM
I'll try, did you give it a go and what happened.

I'm fiddling around with the damage model here:

Anyone want to try adding RealisticShipSinkingTime=true to their GameplaySettings.cfg (do it in your My Documents\SH4\cfg folder and in the main game folder), to see if it works for you?

03-29-07, 07:15 AM
I'll try, did you give it a go and what happened.

I'm fiddling around with the damage model here:

Anyone want to try adding RealisticShipSinkingTime=true to their GameplaySettings.cfg (do it in your My Documents\SH4\cfg folder and in the main game folder), to see if it works for you?

It seems to work a bit better but I'm having even better luck changing the FloodingTimes in the Zones.cfg file.