View Full Version : Very odd radar (?) problem/bug in SH4?

03-28-07, 02:48 AM

Im running v1.1 and was patroling in a very bad weather. I noticed this behaviour:

I was approaching a convoy and my heading was 290 or so. I saw grey targets on the map - "unidentified". I corrected my heading to 260 and suddently the targets were all gone. I then went back to 280 and there they were again. Conclusion:

The surface radar picks nothing if my heading is >90 or <270. And if my heading is >270 or <90 it seems to work. So I have to always turn to North to detect targets. This is with Gato and normal SJ radar.

Anyone noticed the same??

03-30-07, 06:16 PM

Im running v1.1 and was patroling in a very bad weather. I noticed this behaviour:

I was approaching a convoy and my heading was 290 or so. I saw grey targets on the map - "unidentified". I corrected my heading to 260 and suddently the targets were all gone. I then went back to 280 and there they were again. Conclusion:

The surface radar picks nothing if my heading is >90 or <270. And if my heading is >270 or <90 it seems to work. So I have to always turn to North to detect targets. This is with Gato and normal SJ radar.

Anyone noticed the same??

My problem is more to do with ....The button taking you to a PPI (PLAN position Indicator) results in an "A Trace Unit) and vice versa.....They got problems with their radar these guys>>>>Dusty

03-30-07, 06:40 PM
yes I have. But I belive it has to do with the Berring to the target.

03-30-07, 09:44 PM
It must be the radar used in sh3 that only sees from in front of the sub like 10-20 degrease port or starboard. :roll:

03-30-07, 11:52 PM
That was the first type of radar you get in SH3, but you could get the full 360 degree one later on.

I've heard alot of reports, such as air radar picking up surface ships, and vice versa. There's a ghost in the machine.

03-31-07, 01:51 AM
Im running v1.1 . . .

I was approaching a convoy and my heading was 290 or so. I saw grey targets on the map - "unidentified". I corrected my heading to 260 and suddently the targets were all gone. I then went back to 280 and there they were again. Conclusion:

The surface radar picks nothing if my heading is >90 or <270. And if my heading is >270 or <90 it seems to work. So I have to always turn to North to detect targets. This is with Gato and normal SJ radar.

If you test that out quite rigorously with a Mission Editor(ed) pursuit, I would suspect you are correct about it being a specific bearing bug. It wouldn't be the first to be discovered for that sort of "bearing bug approach". Here's a thread in which heartc describes a problem with the auto TDC as related to whether the target is approaching from ownship starboard or ownship port (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=108128). And he was on top of a new bug, pretty clever. On the bottom of the first page of that thread, elanaiba (an SH4 developer) confirms that for heartc, saying "It gets locked for port side targets... not for starboard side. Bug found..."

So I say test it out once more and plug it into sh4bugs.c o m into the Bugzilla there!