View Full Version : I Give-Up!!! ( For Now)

03-25-07, 05:53 PM
Well I give up on the sim for now!! I hope with further patchs that SH4 will run better. What I'm getting is to many crashs and to much delay between commands. I know I don't have the top of the line system (Atheon 3700, 1 Gig of Ram, and 7600 NVIDA 256 Meg) but I don't remember having this much trouble with SH3 with the bugs.

I have tried differnet settings to try to get it run smoother and that hasn't seem to help. Don't get me wrong!! It's a great game and I enjoy playing it when it wants to run but for now it goes on the shelf until some issues get fixed.

03-25-07, 07:07 PM
I'm waiting for further patches before to buy shiv, the last year on shiii ubi stopped any support after the 1.4b patch with our great disappointment. Maybe possible UBI will support shiv for a longer time?