View Full Version : What about some Modding tools!! What do we need?

11-05-06, 04:52 AM
These would be really nice.....

Easier access to texture (tga) files is a must, but its sounds like they got this covered.

A unit editor would be fantastic but its probably asking too much, it would be nice if we could import/export units 3D meshes without having to mess about with dat. files and Pack3D.

I know there will be a mission editor - but being able to edit and import 3D meshes, (not just textures) will really help preserve SH4s life span, if its user feindly enough we could see hundreds of new vessels and aircraft added to the game over time.

11-05-06, 08:41 PM
nevermind then :huh:

11-05-06, 08:52 PM
As you said, at least some form of unit editor is really unlikely - but it would be the tool I would be most interested in personally. However, I only work on shipping so some other modders would probably have a different opinion.