View Full Version : Life on Board

06-01-06, 01:57 PM
i hope this time we can see crew on board..not just at the guns but on board moving about and lets see life boats now.we tiptoed around this for far to long.like the games out there now are playing streets of IRAQ....so lets move on and have more life on board...when i sink a ship in silenthunter3 its realy spectacular but when i look through scope no life...All so when a tanker goes up lets have burning OIL OIL i said mind not men

06-01-06, 06:38 PM
Yeah, it would be a really nice feature to see men on deck loading external toropedoes or repairing damage, or even see them celebrating the crossing of the Equator or something. When these events weren't occuring, however, I doubt men would just be milling about on deck. Most of the crew never even saw daylight or breathed fresh air the whole patrol.

It would also be nice to be able to go to the crew quarters and see men resting or reading in their bunks.

Soviet Creeper
02-20-12, 12:07 PM
(I liek bumping 5 year old threads :P)

It would of been cool seeing your crew do stuff other than stand around. Oh well, way too late for that :D

02-20-12, 12:13 PM
I duuno. It sounds like the experience with having the whole crew modeled in SH5 doing their individual bits is that they're entertaining for the first ten minutes, and then they might as well be just standing around since they keep doing their pre-programmed shtick even when the sub is under attack.