View Full Version : Maybe Some Crewmen On The Target Vessels This Time?

05-14-06, 08:29 PM
A nice touch I think...animated would be even better....I really dislike stalking those apparently unmanned "ghost ships " on the high seas. The crewmen figures on the men of war in SHIII helped some with the illusion of manned ships.

Why not go whole hog and have some troops in the water abandoning the torpedoed troop ships?????.....legitimate targets of war I think they were called.... ;) ....man the 50's gentlemen!

05-15-06, 02:04 AM
Be aware that we will not allow the whole discussing about shooting people in the water start all over again !

thread Carefully

Drebbel (with my moderator hat on)

05-16-06, 01:57 PM
Life-boats and parachutes were, according to an FAQ I read, out for "performance reasons". Never understood why they couldn't just leave them in and make them a graphics option or something, but whatever.

Yes, I'd love it if you had real people on the decks of ships. Have them throw open doors and scramble to abandon ship when the ship is sinking, perhaps carrying wounded crewmates with them. Have lights go on, the engines start rumbling, and the anchors be raised when you startle an anchored ship "safe" in a bay (cruiser-in-Scapa Flow-style). Have crewmen rush to man guns and shoot at your sub's crew with handguns. And people in your sub moving from compartment to compartment rather than just zipping from point a to point b.

And of course sound has a lot to say, too. Alarms, yelling, etc. from ships other than your own has a lot to say. Not to mention people in the water screaming for help or because they've lost an important limb or two :huh: :(.

And best of all, when you left port, you had almost your whole crew on deck, waving and cheering (or at attention, whichever is the most realistic) and your boat all dressed up with banners and flags (again depending on realism).

Details such as these would be far more than an eye-candy feature if you ask me (I'm one of those who think graphics very over-rated). I support adding as many details as possible to add to atmosphere and immerion, and maybe allow you to interfere with a ship by gunning down people on deck?

Not to mention the risk of having your sub caught in an anchor chain :up: .

Why not go whole hog and have some troops in the water abandoning the torpedoed troop ships?????.....legitimate targets of war I think they were called.... ....man the 50's gentlemen!
Do you mind? I just ate :o !