View Full Version : Make an object start in a random location?

04-30-06, 02:04 PM

How do i make an object start in hopefully a different location everytime .
I've tried random and dynamic locations and don't seem to get it right.
The sub starts in the same place every time.


04-30-06, 03:55 PM
create your platforms, then put all dynamic locations where you want.
then, clic on any dynamic location =>
object assigned : include all your platforms on this list
min / max should be the same number of the platform you assigned to this dynamic location pattern.

If you want only 3 out of 5 platforms to appear in these locations (typical neutral generation example) DON'T put the min/max to 3
You must define the platform generated BEFORE they will jump into dynamic locations (with dynamic group for example)

You must have in min/max of dynamic location the number of the whole platforms that could be able to spawn here =>

example :
you put 10 dynamic locations (preferably each one with a specific name instead of "location 1,2,3,4,5,.....,10", because you could have different pattern of dynamic location and it's easier to have a good name for them, example :"spawn KILO 1,2,3,4,5...10"

create 5 platforms

you want only 3 platforms out of the 5 to spawn in these DL =>
In the dynamic location screen :
object assigned : all five platform should be put here
generation option : min/max at 5

then create a dynamic group : neutrals
put all your platforms in this group
probability 100, min/max 3 (out of 5)
and now, go to each one of these platforms and give them the same probability of apparition => 100 / number of the platform for each
=> 100/5 => 20% on each
If you let all the platforms to 100%, as this is a list starting from the top, you will always have the first 3 platform selected and not the last 2.
So you really MUST divide 100% by the number of the platforms.
The global addition of all %age should be 100%
for 10 platform, each one at 10%
If you want some platforms to have more prob than other, give one 15% and the other 5%, but the final count must make 100% or be quite close to this.

now, you have a random choice of platforms that will spawn on a random dynamic locations.

you can download a mission to deconstruct =>
(an easy and soft scenario to analyse)
and other missions, sometimes much more complicated, but with usefull tips =>

05-02-06, 02:43 PM
Thanx Oko

I'll check it out. :P