View Full Version : AI doesn't notice satellite

03-20-06, 08:09 AM
It seems that AI doesn't notice satellite it's only visible to player.
So i heard some kind of dwedit program which i can add radar on
satellite so AI can pick it up with ESM. The question is where i can found this program or is it just impossible to AI detect satellites.

03-20-06, 11:29 AM
One thing is detecting them - I don't know if this is in place or not, but another entirely is what it's supposed to do with it. What do you think?

03-20-06, 08:18 PM
I'm trying to create scenario where satellite is down and it must find and recover but area where you must search it is just too large for one platform and player needs some help from AI platforms. Of course when you (or AI) founds it things are getting more complicated and interesting. The closest thing i get yet is when i put attached trigger to satellite at certain radius and when any ownside platforms trigger it triggerfired with script enter solution to all ownside platforms and suicide attack by MH-60R.
Maybe i put this satellite idea aside and start instead those complicated and interesting stuff or leave it as it is and if player founds that satellite he just gets some extra points.

03-21-06, 10:16 PM
Forget that satellite thing i got better idea.