View Full Version : Mystery Subsim #11

Onkel Neal
11-05-08, 12:18 AM
Here is the initial shot of Mystery Subsim #11
Good luck, you'll need it!!!

If you guess, and you are wrong, then you have only two wrong guesses left in the whole contest before your participation ends, so guess wisely (if you are really sure). If you don't know, don't waste a guess! :) You can only guess incorrectly three times in the contest.

You cannot EDIT your post in this contest.

Remember the rules!! (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=143829)

If no one tries to guess this shot, or no one guesses correctly, there will be an expanded shot to follow.

Good hunting!


Mystery Subsim winners
The following people have won a Mystery Subsim challenge and have had their name added to the prize pool.

11/1 MS#1 - Mikekiller16 - Sub Battle
11/1 MS#2 - Fincuan - Wolfpack
11/1 MS#3 - Nisgeis - 688 Attack Sub
11/1 MS#4 - Mookie - Silent Service II
11/2 MS#5 - Contact - Steel Tide
11/2 MS#6 - To be - Destroyer Command
11/3 MS#7 - Fincuan - Enigma: Rising Tide
11/3 MS#8 - Molon Labe - Sub Command
11/4 MS#9 - Subnuts - Grey Wolf: Hunter of the North Atlantic
11/4 MS#10 - Subnuts - Iron Wolves

Wrong Guess Count Herr_Pete 1
Phoenix3000 1
Fincuan 1
Mikekiller16 2 (one more wrong guess and you're out)
Captain Vlad 1
Graf Paper 1
Molon Labe 1
TLAM Strike 1
SteamWake 1
Raptor1 1
SteveW1 1
gandalf71 1
kiwi_2005 1

11-05-08, 12:50 AM
Navy Field 2

11-05-08, 06:10 AM
Reminds me of Commandos, but...

Onkel Neal
11-05-08, 09:03 AM
Expanded shot #1
Finally, a naval game that has everyone stumped!

11-05-08, 09:34 AM
Finally, a naval game that has everyone stumped!
:rotfl:That's cos it was a bigger hit on the PS2.

Naval Ops, or to be correct, Naval Ops Warship Gunner


Onkel Neal
11-05-08, 10:24 AM
D'oh! Edited posts cannot be counted :cry: Sorry!

11-05-08, 10:26 AM
Umm, that would be Naval Ops Warship Gunner.


Onkel Neal
11-05-08, 10:29 AM
Ha! Nice recovery. Naval Ops Warship Gunner is correct.

From the Gamershell review: (http://ps2.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r22077.htm)

The story to Naval Ops is one of those unique “reality meets fantasy” kind of games that Koei does a good job of coming up with. It’s WWII, and your ship and its crew are sucked into a sort of parallel universe where a war is taking place against rebel forces and an empire bent on oppression and iron rule. You of course join the side of the good fight with the rebel forces, and then embark on a series of missions to help shut down the oppressors and will be doing everything from sinking enemy ships, escorting friendly units, and bombarding land targets like radar bases to get the job done. The main mode and WWII modes both will have you select a country to play as prior to starting your missions which will determine the kind of craft that you will have access to as you play and progress.

Well. so much for the difficult phase of this competition, now comes the easy stuff. We'll see who is quickest on the draw. Mystery Subsim #12 is straining at the gate.


Mystery Subsim winners
The following people have won a Mystery Subsim challenge and have had their name added to the prize pool.

11/1 MS#1 - Mikekiller16 - Sub Battle
11/1 MS#2 - Fincuan - Wolfpack
11/1 MS#3 - Nisgeis - 688 Attack Sub
11/1 MS#4 - Mookie - Silent Service II
11/2 MS#5 - Contact - Steel Tide
11/2 MS#6 - To be - Destroyer Command
11/3 MS#7 - Fincuan - Enigma: Rising Tide
11/3 MS#8 - Molon Labe - Sub Command
11/4 MS#9 - Subnuts - Grey Wolf: Hunter of the North Atlantic
11/4 MS#10 - Subnuts - Iron Wolves
11/5 MS#11 - Danlissa - Navy Ops Warship Gunner

Wrong Guess Count
Herr_Pete 1
Phoenix3000 1
Fincuan 1
Mikekiller16 2 (one more wrong guess and you're out)
Captain Vlad 1
Graf Paper 1
Molon Labe 1
TLAM Strike 1
SteamWake 1
Raptor1 1
SteveW1 1
gandalf71 1
kiwi_2005 1
SteveW1 2 (one more wrong guess and you're out)
Rhodes 1