View Full Version : can we delete escorts from standard mission?

Joe S
08-12-07, 05:18 PM
I tried to use the mission editor to delete the escorts from the
Borneo convoy mission to create a practice mission for manual tdc targeting. I could not figure out how to delete the escorts. Can it be done?
Thanks! Joe S

08-12-07, 07:01 PM
Select the escort you want, right click. You can then remove it from the group it is attached to. THEN you can delete it.


08-12-07, 08:28 PM
if you want to remove them all, click on group leader and you delete all ships in the group so if the DD's are a seperate group from convoy you remove them all at same time.

anytime you want to delete any ship just highlight it (click on it) and hit the delete key.