View Full Version : How to edit depth on campaing map?

05-14-07, 07:28 PM
I'm trying to edit the campaing map (DATA/TERRAIN/DATA...)

The only hing I want to do is to change the depth in a certain area.

I tried the SH3 terrain editor program, but I don't manage to use it.

Can anyone please give me some advice how to export the map so I can change maximum depth?

Thanks a lot! :up:

05-14-07, 09:25 PM
If you figure this out, it could be used to create reefs, which would be very very cool. The panama canal would also be neat.

05-17-07, 05:30 PM
Did you know you can edit the missions with Word - pad? I'm not sure, but changing the maximum depth may be standard with distance from shore. Maybe try using an exhisting map and erase all the stuff in it or use one as a refrence...


05-18-07, 08:42 AM
Did you know you can edit the missions with Word - pad? I'm not sure, but changing the maximum depth may be standard with distance from shore. Maybe try using an exhisting map and erase all the stuff in it or use one as a refrence...

Yes you can edit with wordpad (Although it is far, far better to actually use the editor). but all depth data in the .mis file is related to objective, ship aircraft placement and so on.

Kakemon, editing the world map is a terrain / texture issue rather than a mission editing one. I suspect that you would be unable to change local water depth without screwing up the global value but you would be better off asking in the main mod forum I think. In fact, it might be worth checking out the Sh3 forum as well - there were some guys who added the Keil and Panama canal in that game so terrain so they might have some sort of idea how to do what you are asking.

05-18-07, 09:19 AM
Apparently the game uses a grayscale image file to determine depth. Use the search function, it was discussed some.

05-25-07, 09:28 AM
Thanks for your input. will search the forum and ask in SH3 mod forum