View Full Version : About Interfaces and database files

03-04-07, 10:00 AM
If I want to change interfaces, can I edit the DLL files in Interfaces folder by a program?
What content are the files "qmplatforms.eqd" and "qmtasks.eqd" of database? Do them have relations with interfaces?

Bill Nichols
03-04-07, 10:23 AM
Editing or otherwise changing DLL files is verboten.


03-06-07, 08:00 PM
If I want to change interfaces, can I edit the DLL files in Interfaces folder by a program?
What content are the files "qmplatforms.eqd" and "qmtasks.eqd" of database? Do them have relations with interfaces?

For generation of ships and tasks of mission in a mode " Quick Mission". To interfaces it has no the relation.